Static member | Description |
Full Usage:
Chart.AnnotatedHeatmap(zData, annotationText, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?X, ?XGap, ?Y, ?YGap, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?ZSmooth, ?Transpose, ?UseWebGL, ?ReverseYAxis, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the 2-dimensional z data, which will be visualized with the color scale.
annotationText : IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>>
Sets the text to display as annotation for each datum.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?X : IEnumerable<'XType>
Sets the x coordinates.
?XGap : int
Sets the horizontal gap (in pixels) between bricks.
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates.
?YGap : int
Sets the vertical gap (in pixels) between bricks.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the styles of the colorbar for this trace.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for this trace.
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorscale/colorbar
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, `zmin` will correspond to the last color in the array and `zmax` will correspond to the first color.
?ZSmooth : SmoothAlg
Picks a smoothing algorithm use to smooth `z` data.
?Transpose : bool
Transposes the z data.
?UseWebGL : bool
Wether or not to use WebGL to render this trace
?ReverseYAxis : bool
Wether or not to reverse the y axis. If true, (0,0) will lie on the top left and increase downwards.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a annotated heatmap. A heatmap is a data visualization technique that shows magnitude of a phenomenon as color in two dimensions. The annotated heatmap additionally contains annotation text on each datum.
Full Usage:
Chart.Area(x, y, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?StackGroup, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?FillColor, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?StackGroup : string
Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates an Area chart, which uses a Line plotted between the given datums in a 2D space, additionally colouring the area between the line and the Y Axis.
Full Usage:
Chart.Bar(values, ?Keys, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerPatternShape, ?MultiMarkerPatternShape, ?MarkerPattern, ?Marker, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MultiWidth, ?UseDefaults, ?Base, ?Width)
Sets the values that are plotted as the size of each bar.
?Keys : IEnumerable<'KeysType>
Sets the keys associated with each bar.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the Opacity of each individual bar.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the bars
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for the bars. To have an effect, `MarkerColor` must map to color scale values.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the color of the bar outlines
?MarkerPatternShape : PatternShape
Sets a pattern shape for all bars
?MultiMarkerPatternShape : IEnumerable<PatternShape>
Sets an individual pattern shape for each bar
?MarkerPattern : Pattern
Sets the marker pattern (use this for more finegrained control than the other pattern-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the bars (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MultiWidth : IEnumerable<'ValuesType>
Sets the individual bar width (in position axis units) for each bar.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
?Base : 'ValuesType
Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units).
?Width : 'ValuesType
Sets the bar width (in position axis units) of all bars.
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a bar chart, with bars plotted horizontally A bar chart is a chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.
Full Usage:
Chart.BarPolar(r, theta, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerPatternShape, ?MultiMarkerPatternShape, ?MarkerPattern, ?Marker, ?Base, ?Width, ?MultiWidth, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the radial height of the bars
theta : IEnumerable<'ThetaType>
sets the angular position of the bars
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the bars
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the bars
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the color of the bar outline
?MarkerPatternShape : PatternShape
Sets the pattern shape for all bars
?MultiMarkerPatternShape : IEnumerable<PatternShape>
Sets individual pattern shapes for the bars
?MarkerPattern : Pattern
Sets the marker pattern (use this for more finegrained control than the other pattern-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the bars (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?Base : 'RType
Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units).
?Width : 'ThetaType
Sets the bar width (in position axis units) of all bars.
?MultiWidth : IEnumerable<'ThetaType>
Sets the individual bar width (in position axis units) for each bar.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a polar bar chart. A polar bar chart is a chart that presents categorical data on a polar coordinate system with bars with radial height proportional to the values that they represent.
Full Usage:
Chart.BoxPlot(?X, ?Y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?FillColor, ?MarkerColor, ?Marker, ?Opacity, ?WhiskerWidth, ?BoxPoints, ?BoxMean, ?Jitter, ?PointPos, ?Orientation, ?OutlineColor, ?OutlineWidth, ?Outline, ?AlignmentGroup, ?OffsetGroup, ?Notched, ?NotchWidth, ?QuartileMethod, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x sample data or coordinates
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y sample data or coordinates
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?FillColor : Color
Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the marker color.
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the box (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?Opacity : float
Sets the opacity of this trace.
?WhiskerWidth : float
Sets the width of the whiskers relative to the box' width. For example, with 1, the whiskers are as wide as the box(es).
?BoxPoints : BoxPoints
If "outliers", only the sample points lying outside the whiskers are shown If "suspectedoutliers", the outlier points are shown and points either less than 4"Q1-3"Q3 or greater than 4"Q3-3"Q1 are highlighted (see `outliercolor`) If "all", all sample points are shown If "false", only the box(es) are shown with no sample points Defaults to "suspectedoutliers" when `marker.outliercolor` or `marker.line.outliercolor` is set. Defaults to "all" under the q1/median/q3 signature. Otherwise defaults to "outliers".
?BoxMean : BoxMean
If "true", the mean of the box(es)' underlying distribution is drawn as a dashed line inside the box(es). If "sd" the standard deviation is also drawn. Defaults to "true" when `mean` is set. Defaults to "sd" when `sd` is set Otherwise defaults to "false".
?Jitter : float
Sets the amount of jitter in the sample points drawn. If "0", the sample points align along the distribution axis. If "1", the sample points are drawn in a random jitter of width equal to the width of the box(es).
?PointPos : float
Sets the position of the sample points in relation to the box(es). If "0", the sample points are places over the center of the box(es). Positive (negative) values correspond to positions to the right (left) for vertical boxes and above (below) for horizontal boxes
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the orientation of the box(es). If "v" ("h"), the distribution is visualized along the vertical (horizontal).
?OutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the box outline
?OutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the box outline
?Outline : Line
Sets the box outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other outline-associated arguments).
?AlignmentGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.
?OffsetGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.
?Notched : bool
Determines whether or not notches are drawn. Notches displays a confidence interval around the median. We compute the confidence interval as median +/- 1.57 " IQR / sqrt(N), where IQR is the interquartile range and N is the sample size. If two boxes' notches do not overlap there is 95% confidence their medians differ. See for more info. Defaults to "false" unless `notchwidth` or `notchspan` is set.
?NotchWidth : float
Sets the width of the notches relative to the box' width. For example, with 0, the notches are as wide as the box(es).
?QuartileMethod : QuartileMethod
Sets the method used to compute the sample's Q1 and Q3 quartiles. The "linear" method uses the 25th percentile for Q1 and 75th percentile for Q3 as computed using method #10 (listed on The "exclusive" method uses the median to divide the ordered dataset into two halves if the sample is odd, it does not include the median in either half - Q1 is then the median of the lower half and Q3 the median of the upper half. The "inclusive" method also uses the median to divide the ordered dataset into two halves but if the sample is odd, it includes the median in both halves - Q1 is then the median of the lower half and Q3 the median of the upper half.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Visualizes the distribution of the input data as a box plot. A box plot is a method for graphically demonstrating the locality, spread and skewness groups of numerical data through their quartiles. The default style is based on the five number summary: minimum, first quartile, median, third quartile, and maximum. The sample data from which statistics are computed is set in `x` for vertically spanning boxes and in `y` for horizontally spanning boxes.
Full Usage:
Chart.Bubble(x, y, sizes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?StackGroup, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
sizes : IEnumerable<int>
Sets the bubble size of the plotted data
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?StackGroup : string
Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a bubble chart. A bubble chart is a variation of the Point chart, where the data points get an additional scale by being rendered as bubbles of different sizes.
Full Usage:
Chart.Bubble3D(x, y, z, sizes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?Projection, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the z coordinates of the plotted data.
sizes : IEnumerable<int>
Sets the size of the points
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?Projection : Projection
Sets the projection of this trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Bubble3D plot. Bubble3D Plots plot three-dimensional data on 3 cartesian position scales in the X, Y, and Z dimension as points, additionally using the points size as a 4th dimension.
Full Usage:
Chart.BubbleCarpet(a, b, sizes, carpetAnchorId, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the a-axis coordinates on the carpet.
b : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the b-axis coordinates on the carpet.
sizes : IEnumerable<int>
Sets the bubble size of the plotted data
carpetAnchorId : string
The identifier of the carpet that this trace will lie on.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a bubble chart that lies on a specified carpet. In general, BubbleCarpet creates a bubble chart that uses the given carpet identifier as coordinate system. A bubble chart is a variation of the Point chart, where the data points get an additional scale by being rendered as bubbles of different sizes. Wether the resulting plot is a cheater or true carpet plot depends on the referenced carpet.
Full Usage:
Chart.BubbleGeo(longitudes, latitudes, sizes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LocationMode, ?GeoJson, ?FeatureIdKey, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
sizes : IEnumerable<int>
Sets the size of the points.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LocationMode : LocationFormat
Determines the set of locations used to match entries in `locations` to regions on the map. Values "ISO-3", "USA-states", "country names" correspond to features on the base map and value "geojson-id" corresponds to features from a custom GeoJSON linked to the `geojson` attribute.
?GeoJson : obj
Sets optional GeoJSON data associated with this trace. If not given, the features on the base map are used. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type "FeatureCollection" or "Feature" with geometries of type "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon".
?FeatureIdKey : string
Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the `locations` array. Only has an effect when `geojson` is set. Support nested property, for example "".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a BubbleGeo chart. In general, BubbleGeo Plots plot two-dimensional data as points using plotly's base geo map, additionally using the point size as a third dimension.
Full Usage:
Chart.BubbleMapbox(longitudes, latitudes, sizes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?Below, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
sizes : IEnumerable<int>
Sets the size of the points.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?Below : string
Determines if this scattermapbox trace's layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermapbox layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermapbox layers above every other layer, set `below` to "''".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a BubbleMapbox chart, where data is visualized on a geographic map as points using mapbox, additionally using the point size as a third dimension. Customize the mapbox layers, style, etc. by using Chart.withMapbox. You might need a Mapbox token, which you can also configure with Chart.withMapbox.
Full Usage:
Chart.BubblePolar(r, theta, sizes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the radial coordinates of the plotted data
theta : IEnumerable<'ThetaType>
Sets the angular coordinates of the plotted data
sizes : IEnumerable<int>
Sets the bubble size of the plotted data
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a polar bubble chart. BubblePolar Plots plot two-dimensional data on on a polar coordinate system comprised of angular and radial position scales, additionally using the points size as a 4th dimension.
Full Usage:
Chart.BubbleSmith(real, imag, sizes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the real component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
imag : IEnumerable<'ImagType>
Sets the imaginary component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
sizes : IEnumerable<int>
Sets the size of the points
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Bubble plot on a smith coordinate system. A bubble chart is a variation of the Point chart, where the data points get an additional scale by being rendered as bubbles of different sizes. In general, BubbleSmith charts plot complex numbers on a transformed two-dimensional Cartesian complex plane as points of varying sizes. Complex numbers with positive real parts map inside the circle. Those with negative real parts map outside the circle.
Full Usage:
Chart.BubbleTernary(sizes, ?A, ?B, ?C, ?Sum, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the bubble size of the plotted data
?A : IEnumerable<'AType>
Sets the quantity of component `a` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?B : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the quantity of component `b` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?C : IEnumerable<'CType>
Sets the quantity of component `c` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?Sum : 'SumType
The number each triplet should sum to, if only two of `a`, `b`, and `c` are provided. This overrides `ternary.sum` to normalize this specific trace, but does not affect the values displayed on the axes. 0 (or missing) means to use `ternary.sum`
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a bubble plot on a ternary coordinate system A bubble chart is a variation of the Point chart, where the data points get an additional scale by being rendered as bubbles of different sizes. In general, BubbleTernary creates a barycentric point plot on three variables which sum to a constant, graphically depicting the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle. A 4th data dimension is used to determine the size of the points.
Full Usage:
Chart.Candlestick(open, high, low, close, x, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?Line, ?IncreasingColor, ?Increasing, ?DecreasingColor, ?Decreasing, ?WhiskerWidth, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the open values.
high : IEnumerable<'OHLCType>
Sets the high values.
low : IEnumerable<'OHLCType>
Sets the low values.
close : IEnumerable<'OHLCType>
Sets the close values.
x : IEnumerable<'XType>
Sets the x coordinates. If absent, linear coordinate will be generated.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?Line : Line
Sets the line of this trace.
?IncreasingColor : Color
Sets the color of increasing values
?Increasing : FinanceMarker
Sets the style options of increasing values (use this for more finegrained control than the other increasing-associated arguments).
?DecreasingColor : Color
Sets the color of decreasing values
?Decreasing : FinanceMarker
Sets the style options of decreasing values (use this for more finegrained control than the other increasing-associated arguments).
?WhiskerWidth : float
Sets the width of the whiskers relative to the box' width. For example, with 1, the whiskers are as wide as the box(es).
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a candlestick chart. The candlestick is a style of financial chart describing open, high, low and close for a given `x` coordinate (most likely time). The boxes represent the spread between the `open` and `close` values and the lines represent the spread between the `low` and `high` values Sample points where the close value is higher (lower) then the open value are called increasing (decreasing). By default, increasing candles are drawn in green whereas decreasing are drawn in red.
Full Usage:
Chart.Carpet(carpetId, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?X, ?MultiX, ?Y, ?MultiY, ?A, ?B, ?AAxis, ?BAxis, ?XAxis, ?YAxis, ?Color, ?CheaterSlope, ?UseDefaults)
An identifier for this carpet, so that `scattercarpet` and `contourcarpet` traces can specify a carpet plot on which they lie.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?X : IEnumerable<'XType>
A one dimensional array of x coordinates matching the dimensions of `a` and `b`.
?MultiX : IEnumerable<IEnumerable<'MultiXType>>
A two dimensional array of x coordinates at each carpet point. If omitted, the plot is a cheater plot and the xaxis is hidden by default.
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
A one dimensional array of y coordinates matching the dimensions of `a` and `b`.
?MultiY : IEnumerable<IEnumerable<'MultiYType>>
A two dimensional array of y coordinates at each carpet point.
?A : IEnumerable<'AType>
An array containing values of the first parameter value
?B : IEnumerable<'BType>
An array containing values of the second parameter value
?AAxis : LinearAxis
Sets this carpet's a axis.
?BAxis : LinearAxis
Sets this carpet's b axis.
?XAxis : LinearAxisId
Sets a reference between this trace's x coordinates and a 2D cartesian x axis. If "x" (the default value), the x coordinates refer to `layout.xaxis`. If "x2", the x coordinates refer to `layout.xaxis2`, and so on.
?YAxis : LinearAxisId
Sets a reference between this trace's y coordinates and a 2D cartesian y axis. If "y" (the default value), the y coordinates refer to `layout.yaxis`. If "y2", the y coordinates refer to `layout.yaxis2`, and so on.
?Color : Color
Sets default for all colors associated with this axis all at once: line, font, tick, and grid colors. Grid color is lightened by blending this with the plot background Individual pieces can override this.
?CheaterSlope : float
The shift applied to each successive row of data in creating a cheater plot. Only used if `x` is been omitted.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a carpet in a 2D coordinate system to be used as additional coordinate system in a carpet plot. A carpet plot illustrates the interaction between two or more independent variables and one or more dependent variables in a two-dimensional plot. Besides the ability to incorporate more variables, another feature that distinguishes a carpet plot from an equivalent contour plot or 3D surface plot is that a carpet plot can be used to more accurately interpolate data points. A conventional carpet plot can capture the interaction of up to three independent variables and three dependent variables and still be easily read and interpolated. Three-variable carpet plot (cheater plot): A carpet plot with two independent variables and one dependent variable is often called a cheater plot for the use of a phantom "cheater" axis instead of the horizontal axis. As a result of this missing axis, the values can be shifted horizontally such that the intersections line up vertically. This allows easy interpolation by having fixed horizontal intervals correspond to fixed intervals in both independent variables. Four-variable carpet plot (true carpet plot) Instead of using the horizontal axis to adjust the plot perspective and align carpet intersections vertically, the horizontal axis can be used to show the effects on an additional dependent variable.[5] In this case the perspective is fixed, and any overlapping cannot be adjusted. Because a true carpet plot represents two independent variables and two dependent variables simultaneously, there is no corresponding way to show the information on a conventional contour plot or 3D surface plot. (from @ 1/11/2021)
Full Usage:
Chart.ChoroplethMap(locations, z, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?GeoJson, ?FeatureIdKey, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?LocationMode, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the locations which will be colored. See LocationMode for more info.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
The color values for each location
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?GeoJson : obj
Sets optional GeoJSON data associated with this trace. If not given, the features on the base map are used. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type "FeatureCollection" or "Feature" with geometries of type "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon".
?FeatureIdKey : string
Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the `locations` array. Only has an effect when `geojson` is set. Support nested property, for example "".
?Text : 'TextType
Sets the text elements associated with each location.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets the text elements associated with each location.
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale.
?ShowScale : bool
Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true.
?LocationMode : LocationFormat
Determines the set of locations used to match entries in `locations` to regions on the map. Values "ISO-3", "USA-states", "country names" correspond to features on the base map and value "geojson-id" corresponds to features from a custom GeoJSON linked to the `geojson` attribute.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a choropleth map using plotly's base geo map. A choropleth map is a type of thematic map in which a set of pre-defined areas is colored or patterned in proportion to a statistical variable that represents an aggregate summary of a geographic characteristic within each area, such as population density or per-capita income.
Full Usage:
Chart.ChoroplethMapbox(locations, z, geoJson, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?FeatureIdKey, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?Below, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the coordinates via location IDs or names. Coordinates correspond to the centroid of each location given. See `locationmode` for more info.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
The color values for each location
geoJson : obj
Sets the GeoJSON data associated with this trace. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type "FeatureCollection" or "Feature" with geometries of type "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon".
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?FeatureIdKey : string
Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the `locations` array. Support nested property, for example "".
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale.
?ShowScale : bool
Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true.
?Below : string
Determines if this scattermapbox trace's layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermapbox layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermapbox layers above every other layer, set `below` to "''".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a choropleth map using mapbox. A choropleth map is a type of thematic map in which a set of pre-defined areas is colored or patterned in proportion to a statistical variable that represents an aggregate summary of a geographic characteristic within each area, such as population density or per-capita income. GeoJSON features to be filled are set in `geojson` The data that describes the choropleth value-to-color mapping is set in `locations` and `z`. Customize the mapbox layers, style, etc. by using Chart.withMapbox. You might need a Mapbox token, which you can also configure with Chart.withMapbox.
Full Usage:
Chart.Column(values, ?Keys, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerPatternShape, ?MultiMarkerPatternShape, ?MarkerPattern, ?Marker, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MultiWidth, ?UseDefaults, ?Base, ?Width)
Sets the values that are plotted as the size of each bar.
?Keys : IEnumerable<'KeysType>
Sets the keys associated with each bar.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the Opacity of each individual bar.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the bars
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for the bars. To have an effect, `MarkerColor` must map to color scale values.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the color of the bar outlines
?MarkerPatternShape : PatternShape
Sets a pattern shape for all bars
?MultiMarkerPatternShape : IEnumerable<PatternShape>
Sets an individual pattern shape for each bar
?MarkerPattern : Pattern
Sets the marker pattern (use this for more finegrained control than the other pattern-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the bars (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MultiWidth : IEnumerable<'ValuesType>
Sets the individual bar width (in position axis units) for each bar.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
?Base : 'ValuesType
Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units).
?Width : 'ValuesType
Sets the bar width (in position axis units) of all bars.
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a column chart, with bars plotted vertically A column chart is a chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.
Full Usage:
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Full Usage:
Chart.Cone(x, y, z, u, v, w, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ColorBar, ?SizeMode, ?ConeAnchor, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the z coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.
u : IEnumerable<'UType>
Sets the x components of the vector field.
v : IEnumerable<'VType>
Sets the y components of the vector field.
w : IEnumerable<'WType>
Sets the z components of the vector field.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar
?SizeMode : ConeSizeMode
Determines whether `sizeref` is set as a "scaled" (i.e unitless) scalar (normalized by the max u/v/w norm in the vector field) or as "absolute" value (in the same units as the vector field).
?ConeAnchor : ConeAnchor
Sets the cones' anchor with respect to their x/y/z positions. Note that "cm" denote the cone's center of mass which corresponds to 1/4 from the tail to tip.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a cone plot, typically used to visualize vector fields. Specify a vector field using 6 1D arrays: 3 position arrays `x`, `y` and `z` and 3 vector component arrays `u`, `v`, `w`. The cones are drawn exactly at the positions given by `x`, `y` and `z`.
Full Usage:
Chart.Contour(zData, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?X, ?Y, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?Transpose, ?ContourLineColor, ?ContourLineDash, ?ContourLineSmoothing, ?ContourLine, ?ContoursColoring, ?ContoursOperation, ?ContoursType, ?ShowContourLabels, ?ContourLabelFont, ?Contours, ?FillColor, ?NContours, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the z data which is used for computing the contour lines.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?X : IEnumerable<'XType>
Sets the x coordinates.
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the styles of the colorbar for this trace.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for this trace.
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorscale/colorbar
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, `zmin` will correspond to the last color in the array and `zmax` will correspond to the first color.
?Transpose : bool
Transposes the z data.
?ContourLineColor : Color
Sets the contour line color
?ContourLineDash : DrawingStyle
Sets the contour line dash style
?ContourLineSmoothing : float
Sets the amount of smoothing for the contour lines, where "0" corresponds to no smoothing.
?ContourLine : Line
Sets the contour lines (use this for more finegrained control than the other contourline-associated arguments).
?ContoursColoring : ContourColoring
Determines the coloring method showing the contour values. If "fill", coloring is done evenly between each contour level If "heatmap", a heatmap gradient coloring is applied between each contour level. If "lines", coloring is done on the contour lines. If "none", no coloring is applied on this trace.
?ContoursOperation : ConstraintOperation
Sets the constraint operation. "=" keeps regions equal to `value` "<" and "<=" keep regions less than `value` ">" and ">=" keep regions greater than `value` "[]", "()", "[)", and "(]" keep regions inside `value[0]` to `value[1]` "][", ")(", "](", ")[" keep regions outside `value[0]` to value[1]` Open vs. closed intervals make no difference to constraint display, but all versions are allowed for consistency with filter transforms.
?ContoursType : ContourType
If `levels`, the data is represented as a contour plot with multiple levels displayed. If `constraint`, the data is represented as constraints with the invalid region shaded as specified by the `operation` and `value` parameters.
?ShowContourLabels : bool
Determines whether to label the contour lines with their values.
?ContourLabelFont : Font
Sets the font used for labeling the contour levels. The default color comes from the lines, if shown. The default family and size come from `layout.font`.
?Contours : Contours
Sets the styles of the contours (use this for more finegrained control than the other contour-associated arguments).
?FillColor : Color
Sets the fill color if `contours.type` is "constraint". Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?NContours : int
Sets the maximum number of contour levels. The actual number of contours will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to the value of `ncontours`. Has an effect only if `autocontour` is "true" or if `contours.size` is missing.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a 2D contour plot, which shows the contour lines of a 2D numerical array z, i.e. interpolated lines of isovalues of z. A contour line (also isoline, isopleth, or isarithm) of a function of two variables is a curve along which the function has a constant value, so that the curve joins points of equal value The data from which contour lines are computed is set in `z`. Data in `z` must be a 2D array of numbers. Say that `z` has N rows and M columns, then by default, these N rows correspond to N y coordinates (set in `y` or auto-generated) and the M columns correspond to M x coordinates (set in `x` or auto-generated). By setting `transpose` to "true", the above behavior is flipped.
Full Usage:
Chart.ContourCarpet(z, carpetAnchorId, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?A, ?B, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?Transpose, ?ContourLineColor, ?ContourLineDash, ?ContourLineSmoothing, ?ContourLine, ?ContoursColoring, ?ContoursOperation, ?ContoursType, ?ShowContourLabels, ?ContourLabelFont, ?Contours, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the z data.
carpetAnchorId : string
The identifier of the carpet that this trace will lie on.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?A : IEnumerable<'AType>
Sets the a coordinates.
?B : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the b coordinates.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar of this trace.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of this trace.
?ShowScale : bool
Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, `zmin` will correspond to the last color in the array and `zmax` will correspond to the first color.
?Transpose : bool
Transposes the z data.
?ContourLineColor : Color
Sets the contour line color
?ContourLineDash : DrawingStyle
Sets the contour line dash style
?ContourLineSmoothing : float
Sets the amount of smoothing for the contour lines, where "0" corresponds to no smoothing.
?ContourLine : Line
Sets the contour lines (use this for more finegrained control than the other contourline-associated arguments).
?ContoursColoring : ContourColoring
Determines the coloring method showing the contour values. If "fill", coloring is done evenly between each contour level If "heatmap", a heatmap gradient coloring is applied between each contour level. If "lines", coloring is done on the contour lines. If "none", no coloring is applied on this trace.
?ContoursOperation : ConstraintOperation
Sets the constraint operation. "=" keeps regions equal to `value` "<" and "<=" keep regions less than `value` ">" and ">=" keep regions greater than `value` "[]", "()", "[)", and "(]" keep regions inside `value[0]` to `value[1]` "][", ")(", "](", ")[" keep regions outside `value[0]` to value[1]` Open vs. closed intervals make no difference to constraint display, but all versions are allowed for consistency with filter transforms.
?ContoursType : ContourType
If `levels`, the data is represented as a contour plot with multiple levels displayed. If `constraint`, the data is represented as constraints with the invalid region shaded as specified by the `operation` and `value` parameters.
?ShowContourLabels : bool
Determines whether to label the contour lines with their values.
?ContourLabelFont : Font
Sets the font used for labeling the contour levels. The default color comes from the lines, if shown. The default family and size come from `layout.font`.
?Contours : Contours
Sets the styles of the contours (use this for more finegrained control than the other contour-associated arguments).
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a contour chart that lies on a specified carpet. Plots contours on either the first carpet axis or the carpet axis with a matching `carpet` attribute. Data `z` is interpreted as matching that of the corresponding carpet axis.
Full Usage:
Chart.DensityMapbox(longitudes, latitudes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Z, ?Radius, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?Below, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opacity of the trace
?Z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the points' weight. For example, a value of 10 would be equivalent to having 10 points of weight 1 in the same spot
?Radius : int
Sets the radius of influence of one `lon` / `lat` point in pixels. Increasing the value makes the densitymapbox trace smoother, but less detailed.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale.
?ShowScale : bool
Determines whether or not a colorbar is displayed for this trace.
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true.
?Below : string
Determines if this scattermapbox trace's layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermapbox layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermapbox layers above every other layer, set `below` to "''".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a DensityMapbox Chart that draws a bivariate kernel density estimation with a Gaussian kernel from `lon` and `lat` coordinates and optional `z` values using a colorscale. Customize the mapbox layers, style, etc. by using Chart.withMapbox. You might need a Mapbox token, which you can also configure with Chart.withMapbox.
Full Usage:
Chart.Doughnut(values, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Labels, ?Pull, ?MultiPull, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?SectionColors, ?SectionOutlineColor, ?SectionOutlineWidth, ?SectionOutlineMultiWidth, ?SectionOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?Direction, ?Hole, ?Rotation, ?Sort, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the values of the sectors
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Labels : IEnumerable<'LabelsType>
Sets the sector labels. If `labels` entries are duplicated, the associated `values` are summed.
?Pull : float
Sets the fraction of larger radius to pull the sectors out from the center. This can be a constant to pull all slices apart from each other equally or an array to highlight one or more slices.
?MultiPull : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the fraction of larger radius to pull the sectors out from the center. This can be a constant to pull all slices apart from each other equally or an array to highlight one or more slices.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?SectionColors : IEnumerable<Color>
Sets the colors associated with each section.
?SectionOutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineMultiWidth : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the width of each individual section outline.
?SectionOutline : Line
Sets the section outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other section outline-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker of this trace.
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph.
?Direction : Direction
Specifies the direction at which succeeding sectors follow one another.
?Hole : float
Sets the fraction of the radius to cut out of the pie. Use this to make a donut chart.
?Rotation : float
Instead of the first slice starting at 12 o'clock, rotate to some other angle.
?Sort : bool
Determines whether or not the sectors are reordered from largest to smallest.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a doughnut chart. A doughnut chart is a variation of the pie chart that has a fraction cut fron the center of the slices.
Full Usage:
Chart.Funnel(x, y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Width, ?Offset, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?Orientation, ?AlignmentGroup, ?OffsetGroup, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?ConnectorLineColor, ?ConnectorLineStyle, ?ConnectorFillColor, ?ConnectorLine, ?Connector, ?InsideTextFont, ?OutsideTextFont, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?Width : float
Sets the bar width (in position axis units).
?Offset : float
Shifts the position where the bar is drawn (in position axis units). In "group" barmode, traces that set "offset" will be excluded and drawn in "overlay" mode instead.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?Orientation : Orientation
Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used - including if `visible` is "legendonly" but not if it is `false`. Sets the stacking direction. With "v" ("h"), the y (x) values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of `fill`.
?AlignmentGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.
?OffsetGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the bars.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the color of the bar outline.
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph. In the case of having multiple funnels, percentages and totals are computed separately (per trace).
?ConnectorLineColor : Color
Sets the line color of the funnel connector
?ConnectorLineStyle : DrawingStyle
Sets the line style of the funnel connector
?ConnectorFillColor : Color
Sets the fill color of the funnel connector
?ConnectorLine : Line
Sets the line of the funnel connector (use this for more finegrained control than the other connector line associated arguments).
?Connector : FunnelConnector
Sets the funnel connector (use this for more finegrained control than the other connector-associated arguments).
?InsideTextFont : Font
Sets the font used for `text` lying inside the bar.
?OutsideTextFont : Font
Sets the font used for `text` lying outside the bar.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Funnel chart. Funnel charts visualize stages in a process using length-encoded bars. This trace can be used to show data in either a part-to-whole representation wherein each item appears in a single stage, or in a "drop-off" representation wherein each item appears in each stage it traversed. See also the "funnelarea" trace type for a different approach to visualizing funnel data.
Full Usage:
Chart.FunnelArea(values, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Labels, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?SectionColors, ?SectionOutlineColor, ?SectionOutlineWidth, ?SectionOutlineMultiWidth, ?SectionOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?AspectRatio, ?BaseRatio, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the values of the sectors
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Labels : IEnumerable<'LabelsType>
Sets the sector labels. If `labels` entries are duplicated, the associated `values` are summed.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?SectionColors : IEnumerable<Color>
Sets the colors associated with each section.
?SectionOutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineMultiWidth : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the width of each individual section outline.
?SectionOutline : Line
Sets the section outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other section outline-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker of this trace.
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph.
?AspectRatio : float
?BaseRatio : float
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a FunnelArea chart. FunnelArea charts visualize stages in a process using area-encoded trapezoids, which can be used to show data in a part-to-whole representation similar to a piechart, wherein each item appears in a single stage. See also the "funnel" chart for a different approach to visualizing funnel data.
Full Usage:
Chart.Grid(gCharts, nRows, nCols, ?SubPlots, ?XAxes, ?YAxes, ?RowOrder, ?Pattern, ?XGap, ?YGap, ?Domain, ?XSide, ?YSide)
The charts to display on the grid.
nRows : int
The number of rows in the grid. If you provide a 2D `subplots` array or a `yaxes` array, its length is used as the default. But it's also possible to have a different length, if you want to leave a row at the end for non-cartesian subplots.
nCols : int
The number of columns in the grid. If you provide a 2D `subplots` array, the length of its longest row is used as the default. If you give an `xaxes` array, its length is used as the default. But it's also possible to have a different length, if you want to leave a row at the end for non-cartesian subplots.
?SubPlots : (LinearAxisId * LinearAxisId)[][]
Used for freeform grids, where some axes may be shared across subplots but others are not. Each entry should be a cartesian subplot id, like "xy" or "x3y2", or "" to leave that cell empty. You may reuse x axes within the same column, and y axes within the same row. Non-cartesian subplots and traces that support `domain` can place themselves in this grid separately using the `gridcell` attribute.
?XAxes : LinearAxisId[]
Used with `yaxes` when the x and y axes are shared across columns and rows. Each entry should be an y axis id like "y", "y2", etc., or "" to not put a y axis in that row. Entries other than "" must be unique. Ignored if `subplots` is present. If missing but `xaxes` is present, will generate consecutive IDs.
?YAxes : LinearAxisId[]
Used with `yaxes` when the x and y axes are shared across columns and rows. Each entry should be an x axis id like "x", "x2", etc., or "" to not put an x axis in that column. Entries other than "" must be unique. Ignored if `subplots` is present. If missing but `yaxes` is present, will generate consecutive IDs.
?RowOrder : LayoutGridRowOrder
Is the first row the top or the bottom? Note that columns are always enumerated from left to right.
?Pattern : LayoutGridPattern
If no `subplots`, `xaxes`, or `yaxes` are given but we do have `rows` and `columns`, we can generate defaults using consecutive axis IDs, in two ways: "coupled" gives one x axis per column and one y axis per row. "independent" uses a new xy pair for each cell, left-to-right across each row then iterating rows according to `roworder`.
?XGap : float
Horizontal space between grid cells, expressed as a fraction of the total width available to one cell. Defaults to 0.1 for coupled-axes grids and 0.2 for independent grids.
?YGap : float
Vertical space between grid cells, expressed as a fraction of the total height available to one cell. Defaults to 0.1 for coupled-axes grids and 0.3 for independent grids.
?Domain : Domain
Sets the domains of this grid subplot (in plot fraction). The first and last cells end exactly at the domain edges, with no grout around the edges.
?XSide : LayoutGridXSide
Sets where the x axis labels and titles go. "bottom" means the very bottom of the grid. "bottom plot" is the lowest plot that each x axis is used in. "top" and "top plot" are similar.
?YSide : LayoutGridYSide
Sets where the y axis labels and titles go. "left" means the very left edge of the grid. "left plot" is the leftmost plot that each y axis is used in. "right" and "right plot" are similar.
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a subplot grid with the given dimensions (nRows x nCols) for the input charts.
Full Usage:
Chart.Heatmap(zData, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?X, ?XGap, ?Y, ?YGap, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?ZSmooth, ?Transpose, ?UseWebGL, ?ReverseYAxis, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the 2-dimensional z data, which will be visualized with the color scale.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?X : IEnumerable<'XType>
Sets the x coordinates.
?XGap : int
Sets the horizontal gap (in pixels) between bricks.
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates.
?YGap : int
Sets the vertical gap (in pixels) between bricks.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the styles of the colorbar for this trace.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for this trace.
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorscale/colorbar
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, `zmin` will correspond to the last color in the array and `zmax` will correspond to the first color.
?ZSmooth : SmoothAlg
Picks a smoothing algorithm use to smooth `z` data.
?Transpose : bool
Transposes the z data.
?UseWebGL : bool
Wether or not to use WebGL to render this trace
?ReverseYAxis : bool
Wether or not to reverse the y axis. If true, (0,0) will lie on the top left and increase downwards.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a heatmap. A heatmap is a data visualization technique that shows magnitude of a phenomenon as color in two dimensions.
Full Usage:
Chart.Histogram(?X, ?Y, ?Orientation, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?HistFunc, ?HistNorm, ?AlignmentGroup, ?OffsetGroup, ?NBinsX, ?NBinsY, ?BinGroup, ?XBins, ?YBins, ?MarkerColor, ?Marker, ?Line, ?XError, ?YError, ?Cumulative, ?HoverLabel, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the sample data to be binned on the x axis.
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the sample data to be binned on the y axis.
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the orientation of the bars. With "v" ("h"), the value of the each bar spans along the vertical (horizontal).
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?HistFunc : HistFunc
Specifies the binning function used for this histogram trace. If "count", the histogram values are computed by counting the number of values lying inside each bin. If "sum", "avg", "min", "max", the histogram values are computed using the sum, the average, the minimum or the maximum of the values lying inside each bin respectively.
?HistNorm : HistNorm
Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If "", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If "percent" / "probability", the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1). If "density", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points). If "probability density", the area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).
?AlignmentGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.
?OffsetGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.
?NBinsX : int
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if `xbins.size` is provided.
?NBinsY : int
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if `ybins.size` is provided.
?BinGroup : string
Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible bin settings. Note that traces on the same subplot and with the same "orientation" under `barmode` "stack", "relative" and "group" are forced into the same bingroup, Using `bingroup`, traces under `barmode` "overlay" and on different axes (of the same axis type) can have compatible bin settings. Note that histogram and histogram2d" trace can share the same `bingroup`
?XBins : Bins
Sets the binning across the x dimension
?YBins : Bins
Sets the binning across the y dimension
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the histogram's bars.
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the histogram's bars (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?Line : Line
Sets the outline of the histogram's bars.
?XError : Error
Sets the x error of this trace.
?YError : Error
Sets the y error of this trace.
?Cumulative : Cumulative
Sets wether and how the cumulative distribution is displayed
?HoverLabel : Hoverlabel
Sets the style of the hoverlabels of this trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Visualizes the distribution of the input data as a histogram. A histogram is an approximate representation of the distribution of numerical data. To construct a histogram, the first step is to "bin" the range of values - that is, divide the entire range of values into a series of intervals - and then count how many values fall into each interval. The bins are usually specified as consecutive, non-overlapping intervals of a variable. The sample data from which statistics are computed is set in `x` for vertically spanning histograms and in `y` for horizontally spanning histograms. Binning options are set `xbins` and `ybins` respectively if no aggregation data is provided.
Full Usage:
Chart.Histogram2D(x, y, ?Z, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?XGap, ?YGap, ?HistFunc, ?HistNorm, ?NBinsX, ?NBinsY, ?XBins, ?YBins, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?ZSmooth, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the sample data to be binned on the x axis.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the sample data to be binned on the y axis.
?Z : IEnumerable<IEnumerable<'ZType>>
Sets the aggregation data.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?XGap : int
Sets the horizontal gap (in pixels) between bricks.
?YGap : int
Sets the vertical gap (in pixels) between bricks.
?HistFunc : HistFunc
Specifies the binning function used for this histogram trace. If "count", the histogram values are computed by counting the number of values lying inside each bin. If "sum", "avg", "min", "max", the histogram values are computed using the sum, the average, the minimum or the maximum of the values lying inside each bin respectively.
?HistNorm : HistNorm
Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If "", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If "percent" / "probability", the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1). If "density", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points). If "probability density", the area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).
?NBinsX : int
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if `xbins.size` is provided.
?NBinsY : int
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if `ybins.size` is provided.
?XBins : Bins
Sets the binning across the x dimension
?YBins : Bins
Sets the binning across the y dimension
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the styles of the colorbar for this trace.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for this trace.
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorscale/colorbar
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, `zmin` will correspond to the last color in the array and `zmax` will correspond to the first color.
?ZSmooth : SmoothAlg
Picks a smoothing algorithm use to smooth `z` data.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Visualizes the distribution of the 2-dimensional input data as 2D Histogram. The sample data from which statistics are computed is set in `x` and `y` (where `x` and `y` represent marginal distributions, binning is set in `xbins` and `ybins` in this case) or `z` (where `z` represent the 2D distribution and binning set, binning is set by `x` and `y` in this case). The resulting distribution is visualized as a heatmap.
Full Usage:
Chart.Histogram2DContour(x, y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Z, ?HistFunc, ?HistNorm, ?NBinsX, ?NBinsY, ?BinGroup, ?XBinGroup, ?XBins, ?YBinGroup, ?YBins, ?Marker, ?ContourLineColor, ?ContourLineDash, ?ContourLineSmoothing, ?ContourLine, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ReverseScale, ?Contours, ?NContours, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the sample data to be binned on the x axis.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the sample data to be binned on the y axis.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?Z : IEnumerable<IEnumerable<'ZType>>
Sets the aggregation data.
?HistFunc : HistFunc
Specifies the binning function used for this histogram trace. If "count", the histogram values are computed by counting the number of values lying inside each bin. If "sum", "avg", "min", "max", the histogram values are computed using the sum, the average, the minimum or the maximum of the values lying inside each bin respectively.
?HistNorm : HistNorm
Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If "", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If "percent" / "probability", the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1). If "density", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points). If "probability density", the area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).
?NBinsX : int
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if `xbins.size` is provided.
?NBinsY : int
Specifies the maximum number of desired bins. This value will be used in an algorithm that will decide the optimal bin size such that the histogram best visualizes the distribution of the data. Ignored if `ybins.size` is provided.
?BinGroup : string
Set the `xbingroup` and `ybingroup` default prefix For example, setting a `bingroup` of "1" on two histogram2d traces will make them their x-bins and y-bins match separately.
?XBinGroup : string
Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible x-bin settings. Using `xbingroup`, histogram2d and histogram2dcontour traces (on axes of the same axis type) can have compatible x-bin settings. Note that the same `xbingroup` value can be used to set (1D) histogram `bingroup`
?XBins : Bins
Sets the binning across the x dimension
?YBinGroup : string
Set a group of histogram traces which will have compatible y-bin settings. Using `ybingroup`, histogram2d and histogram2dcontour traces (on axes of the same axis type) can have compatible y-bin settings. Note that the same `ybingroup` value can be used to set (1D) histogram `bingroup`
?YBins : Bins
Sets the binning across the y dimension
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker of this trace.
?ContourLineColor : Color
Sets the contour line color
?ContourLineDash : DrawingStyle
Sets the contour line dash style
?ContourLineSmoothing : float
Sets the amount of smoothing for the contour lines, where "0" corresponds to no smoothing.
?ContourLine : Line
Sets the contour lines (use this for more finegrained control than the other contourline-associated arguments).
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the styles of the colorbar for this trace.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for this trace.
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorscale/colorbar
?ReverseScale : bool
Reverses the color mapping if true. If true, `zmin` will correspond to the last color in the array and `zmax` will correspond to the first color.
?Contours : Contours
Sets the style of the contours
?NContours : int
Sets the maximum number of contour levels. The actual number of contours will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to the value of `ncontours`. Has an effect only if `autocontour` is "true" or if `contours.size` is missing.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Computes a 2D histogram contour plot, also known as a density contour plot, which is a 2-dimensional generalization of a histogram which resembles a contour plot but is computed by grouping a set of points specified by their x and y coordinates into bins, and applying an aggregation function such as count or sum (if z is provided) to compute the value to be used to compute contours. The sample data from which statistics are computed is set in `x` and `y` (where `x` and `y` represent marginal distributions, binning is set in `xbins` and `ybins` in this case) or `z` (where `z` represent the 2D distribution and binning set, binning is set by `x` and `y` in this case). The resulting distribution is visualized as a contour plot.
Full Usage:
Chart.Icicle(labels, parents, ?Values, ?Ids, ?Name, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?SectionColors, ?SectionColorScale, ?ShowSectionColorScale, ?ReverseSectionColorScale, ?SectionOutlineColor, ?SectionOutlineWidth, ?SectionOutlineMultiWidth, ?SectionOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?BranchValues, ?Count, ?TilingOrientation, ?TilingFlip, ?Tiling, ?PathBarEdgeShape, ?PathBar, ?Root, ?Level, ?MaxDepth, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the labels of each of the sectors.
parents : IEnumerable<'ParentsType>
Sets the parent sectors for each of the sectors. Empty string items '' are understood to reference the root node in the hierarchy. If `ids` is filled, `parents` items are understood to be "ids" themselves. When `ids` is not set, plotly attempts to find matching items in `labels`, but beware they must be unique.
?Values : IEnumerable<'ValuesType>
Sets the values associated with each of the sectors.
?Ids : IEnumerable<'IdsType>
Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?SectionColors : IEnumerable<Color>
Sets the colors associated with each section.
?SectionColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for the section values
?ShowSectionColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the section colorbar
?ReverseSectionColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the section colorscale
?SectionOutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineMultiWidth : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the width of each individual section outline.
?SectionOutline : Line
Sets the section outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other section outline-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker of this trace.
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph.
?BranchValues : BranchValues
Determines how the items in `values` are summed. When set to "total", items in `values` are taken to be value of all its descendants. When set to "remainder", items in `values` corresponding to the root and the branches sectors are taken to be the extra part not part of the sum of the values at their leaves.
?Count : IcicleCount
Determines default for `values` when it is not provided, by inferring a 1 for each of the "leaves" and/or "branches", otherwise 0.
?TilingOrientation : Orientation
Sets the orientation of the tiling.
?TilingFlip : TilingFlip
Sets the flip of the tiling: Determines if the positions obtained from solver are flipped on each axis.
?Tiling : IcicleTiling
Sets the styles for the icicle tiling
?PathBarEdgeShape : PathbarEdgeShape
Sets the edge shape of the pathbar.
?PathBar : Pathbar
Sets the pathbar
?Root : IcicleRoot
Sets the styles fot the root of this trace.
?Level : string
Sets the level from which this trace hierarchy is rendered. Set `level` to `''` to start from the root node in the hierarchy. Must be an "id" if `ids` is filled in, otherwise plotly attempts to find a matching item in `labels`.
?MaxDepth : int
Sets the number of rendered sectors from any given `level`. Set `maxdepth` to "-1" to render all the levels in the hierarchy.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates an icicle chart. Icicle charts visualize hierarchal data from leaves (and/or outer branches) towards root with rectangles. The icicle sectors are determined by the entries in "labels" or "ids" and in "parents".
Full Usage:
Chart.Image(?Z, ?Source, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Ids, ?ColorModel, ?ZMax, ?ZMin, ?ZSmooth, ?UseDefaults)
A 2-dimensional array in which each element is an array of 3 or 4 numbers representing a color.
?Source : string
Specifies the data URI of the image to be visualized. The URI consists of "data:image/[?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?Ids : IEnumerable<'IdType>
Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation. Should be an array of strings, not numbers or any other type.
?ColorModel : ColorModel
Color model used to map the numerical color components described in `z` into colors. If `source` is specified, this attribute will be set to `rgba256` otherwise it defaults to `rgb`.
?ZMax : ColorComponentBound
Sets the upper bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in `z` and if set, `zmin` must be set as well.
?ZMin : ColorComponentBound
Sets the lower bound of the color domain. Value should have the same units as in `z` and if set, `zmax` must be set as well.
?ZSmooth : SmoothAlg
Picks a smoothing algorithm use to smooth `z` data.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Display an image, i.e. data on a 2D regular raster. By default, when an image is displayed in a subplot, its y axis will be reversed (ie. `autorange: 'reversed'`), constrained to the domain (ie. `constrain: 'domain'`) and it will have the same scale as its x axis (ie. `scaleanchor: 'x,`) in order for pixels to be rendered as squares.
Full Usage:
Chart.Indicator(value, mode, ?Range, ?Name, ?Title, ?Domain, ?Align, ?DeltaReference, ?Delta, ?Number, ?GaugeShape, ?Gauge, ?ShowGaugeAxis, ?GaugeAxis, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the number to be displayed.
mode : IndicatorMode
Determines how the value is displayed on the graph. `number` displays the value numerically in text. `delta` displays the difference to a reference value in text. Finally, `gauge` displays the value graphically on an axis.
?Range : Range
Sets the Range of the Gauge axis
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?Title : string
Sets the title of this trace.
?Domain : Domain
Sets the domain of this trace.
?Align : IndicatorAlignment
Sets the horizontal alignment of the `text` within the box. Note that this attribute has no effect if an angular gauge is displayed: in this case, it is always centered
?DeltaReference : 'ValueType
?Delta : IndicatorDelta
Sets how the delta to the delta reference is displayed
?Number : IndicatorNumber
Sets the styles of the displayed number
?GaugeShape : IndicatorGaugeShape
Sets the shape of the gauge
?Gauge : IndicatorGauge
Sets the styles of the gauge
?ShowGaugeAxis : bool
Wether or not to show the gauge axis
?GaugeAxis : LinearAxis
Sets the gauge axis
?UseDefaults : bool
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates an Indicator chart. An indicator is used to visualize a single `value` along with some contextual information such as `steps` or a `threshold`, using a combination of three visual elements: a number, a delta, and/or a gauge. Deltas are taken with respect to a `reference`. Gauges can be either angular or bullet (aka linear) gauges.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Full Usage:
Chart.IsoSurface(x, y, z, value, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ColorBar, ?IsoMin, ?IsoMax, ?Caps, ?Slices, ?Surface, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the X coordinates of the vertices on X axis.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the Y coordinates of the vertices on Y axis.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the Z coordinates of the vertices on Z axis.
value : IEnumerable<'ValueType>
Sets the 4th dimension (value) of the vertices.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar
?IsoMin : float
Sets the minimum boundary for iso-surface plot.
?IsoMax : float
Sets the maximum boundary for iso-surface plot.
?Caps : Caps
Sets the caps (color-coded surfaces on the sides of the visualization domain)
?Slices : Slices
Adds Slices through the volume
?Surface : Surface
Sets the surface.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a isosurface plot to visualize the volume of a 3D shape. An isosurface is a surface that represents points of a constant value (e.g. pressure, temperature, velocity, density) within a volume of space. Draws isosurfaces between iso-min and iso-max values with coordinates given by four 1-dimensional arrays containing the `value`, `x`, `y` and `z` of every vertex of a uniform or non-uniform 3-D grid. Horizontal or vertical slices, caps as well as spaceframe between iso-min and iso-max values could also be drawn using this trace. This plot is very similar to the `Volume` plot. However it shows all surfaces with the same opacity.
Full Usage:
Chart.Line(x, y, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?StackGroup, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?Fill, ?FillColor, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?StackGroup : string
Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?Fill : Fill
Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to "none" unless this trace is stacked, then it gets "tonexty" ("tonextx") if `orientation` is "v" ("h") Use with `FillColor` if not "none". "tozerox" and "tozeroy" fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. "tonextx" and "tonexty" fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like "tozerox" and "tozeroy". "toself" connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. "tonext" fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like "toself" if there is no trace before it. "tonext" should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Line chart, which uses a Line plotted between the given datums in a 2D space to visualize typically an evolution of Y depending on X.
Full Usage:
Chart.Line3D(x, y, z, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?Projection, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the z coordinates of the plotted data.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the datums additionally to the line
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?Projection : Projection
Sets the projection of this trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Line3D plot. Line3D Plots plot three-dimensional data on 3 cartesian position scales in the X, Y, and Z dimension as a line connecting the individual datums.
Full Usage:
Chart.LineCarpet(a, b, carpetAnchorId, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the a-axis coordinates on the carpet.
b : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the b-axis coordinates on the carpet.
carpetAnchorId : string
The identifier of the carpet that this trace will lie on.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a line plot that lies on a specified carpet. In general, LineCarpet creates a line plot that uses the given carpet identifier as coordinate system. Wether the resulting plot is a cheater or true carpet plot depends on the referenced carpet.
Full Usage:
Chart.LineGeo(longitudes, latitudes, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?LocationMode, ?GeoJson, ?FeatureIdKey, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
?ShowMarkers : bool
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?LocationMode : LocationFormat
Determines the set of locations used to match entries in `locations` to regions on the map. Values "ISO-3", "USA-states", "country names" correspond to features on the base map and value "geojson-id" corresponds to features from a custom GeoJSON linked to the `geojson` attribute.
?GeoJson : obj
Sets optional GeoJSON data associated with this trace. If not given, the features on the base map are used. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type "FeatureCollection" or "Feature" with geometries of type "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon".
?FeatureIdKey : string
Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the `locations` array. Only has an effect when `geojson` is set. Support nested property, for example "".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a LineGeo chart. In general, LineGeo Plots plot two-dimensional data connected by lines using plotly's base geo map.
Full Usage:
Chart.LineMapbox(longitudes, latitudes, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?Below, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
?ShowMarkers : bool
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?Below : string
Determines if this scattermapbox trace's layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermapbox layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermapbox layers above every other layer, set `below` to "''".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a LineMapbox chart, where data is visualized on a geographic map connected by a line using mapbox. Customize the mapbox layers, style, etc. by using Chart.withMapbox. You might need a Mapbox token, which you can also configure with Chart.withMapbox.
Full Usage:
Chart.LinePolar(r, theta, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the radial coordinates of the plotted data
theta : IEnumerable<'ThetaType>
Sets the angular coordinates of the plotted data
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the datums additionally to the line
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a polar line plot. LinePolar plots plot two-dimensional data on a polar coordinate system comprised of angular and radial position scales connected via a line.
Full Usage:
Chart.LineSmith(real, imag, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?Fill, ?FillColor, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the real component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
imag : IEnumerable<'ImagType>
Sets the imaginary component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether or not to show markers for each datum.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?Fill : Fill
Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to "none" unless this trace is stacked, then it gets "tonexty" ("tonextx") if `orientation` is "v" ("h") Use with `FillColor` if not "none". "tozerox" and "tozeroy" fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. "tonextx" and "tonexty" fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like "tozerox" and "tozeroy". "toself" connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. "tonext" fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like "toself" if there is no trace before it. "tonext" should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Line plot on a smith coordinate system. In general, LineSmith charts plot complex numbers on a transformed two-dimensional Cartesian complex plane as datums connected by a line. Complex numbers with positive real parts map inside the circle. Those with negative real parts map outside the circle.
Full Usage:
Chart.LineTernary(?A, ?B, ?C, ?Sum, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the quantity of component `a` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?B : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the quantity of component `b` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?C : IEnumerable<'CType>
Sets the quantity of component `c` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?Sum : 'SumType
The number each triplet should sum to, if only two of `a`, `b`, and `c` are provided. This overrides `ternary.sum` to normalize this specific trace, but does not affect the values displayed on the axes. 0 (or missing) means to use `ternary.sum`
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a line plot on a ternary coordinate system In general, LineTernary creates a barycentric line plot on three variables which sum to a constant, graphically depicting the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle.
Full Usage:
Chart.Mesh3D(x, y, z, ?I, ?J, ?K, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?Color, ?Contour, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ColorBar, ?FlatShading, ?TriangulationAlgorithm, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the X coordinates of the vertices. The nth element of vectors `x`, `y` and `z` jointly represent the X, Y and Z coordinates of the nth vertex.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the Y coordinates of the vertices. The nth element of vectors `x`, `y` and `z` jointly represent the X, Y and Z coordinates of the nth vertex.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the Z coordinates of the vertices. The nth element of vectors `x`, `y` and `z` jointly represent the X, Y and Z coordinates of the nth vertex.
?I : IEnumerable<'IType>
A vector of vertex indices, i.e. integer values between 0 and the length of the vertex vectors, representing the "first" vertex of a triangle. For example, `{i[m], j[m], k[m]}` together represent face m (triangle m) in the mesh, where `i[m] = n` points to the triplet `{x[n], y[n], z[n]}` in the vertex arrays. Therefore, each element in `i` represents a point in space, which is the first vertex of a triangle.
?J : IEnumerable<'JType>
A vector of vertex indices, i.e. integer values between 0 and the length of the vertex vectors, representing the "second" vertex of a triangle. For example, `{i[m], j[m], k[m]}` together represent face m (triangle m) in the mesh, where `j[m] = n` points to the triplet `{x[n], y[n], z[n]}` in the vertex arrays. Therefore, each element in `j` represents a point in space, which is the second vertex of a triangle.
?K : IEnumerable<'KType>
A vector of vertex indices, i.e. integer values between 0 and the length of the vertex vectors, representing the "third" vertex of a triangle. For example, `{i[m], j[m], k[m]}` together represent face m (triangle m) in the mesh, where `k[m] = n` points to the triplet `{x[n], y[n], z[n]}` in the vertex arrays. Therefore, each element in `k` represents a point in space, which is the third vertex of a triangle.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?Color : Color
Sets the color of the whole mesh
?Contour : Contour
Sets the style and visibility of contours
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar
?FlatShading : bool
Determines whether or not normal smoothing is applied to the meshes, creating meshes with an angular, low-poly look via flat reflections.
?TriangulationAlgorithm : TriangulationAlgorithm
Determines how the mesh surface triangles are derived from the set of vertices (points) represented by the `x`, `y` and `z` arrays, if the `i`, `j`, `k` arrays are not supplied.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Visualizes a 3D mesh. Draws sets of triangles with coordinates given by three 1-dimensional arrays in `x`, `y`, `z` and (1) a sets of `i`, `j`, `k` indices or (2) Delaunay triangulation or (3) the Alpha-shape algorithm or (4) the Convex-hull algorithm
Full Usage:
Chart.OHLC(open, high, low, close, x, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?Line, ?IncreasingColor, ?Increasing, ?DecreasingColor, ?Decreasing, ?TickWidth, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the open values.
high : IEnumerable<'OHLCType>
Sets the high values.
low : IEnumerable<'OHLCType>
Sets the low values.
close : IEnumerable<'OHLCType>
Sets the close values.
x : IEnumerable<'XType>
Sets the x coordinates. If absent, linear coordinate will be generated.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?Line : Line
Sets the line of this trace.
?IncreasingColor : Color
Sets the color of increasing values
?Increasing : FinanceMarker
Sets the style options of increasing values (use this for more finegrained control than the other increasing-associated arguments).
?DecreasingColor : Color
Sets the color of decreasing values
?Decreasing : FinanceMarker
Sets the style options of decreasing values (use this for more finegrained control than the other increasing-associated arguments).
?TickWidth : float
Sets the width of the open/close tick marks relative to the "x" minimal interval.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates an OHLC chart. The ohlc (short for Open-High-Low-Close) is a style of financial chart describing open, high, low and close for a given `x` coordinate (most likely time). The tip of the lines represent the `low` and `high` values and the horizontal segments represent the `open` and `close` values. Sample points where the close value is higher (lower) then the open value are called increasing (decreasing). By default, increasing items are drawn in green whereas decreasing are drawn in red.
Full Usage:
Chart.ParallelCategories(dimensions, ?Name, ?Counts, ?LineColor, ?LineShape, ?LineColorScale, ?ShowLineColorScale, ?ReverseLineColorScale, ?Line, ?Arrangement, ?BundleColors, ?SortPaths, ?LabelFont, ?TickFont, ?UseDefaults)
the dimensions of the plot, containing both dimension backdrop information and the associated data
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?Counts : int
The number of observations represented by each state. Defaults to 1 so that each state represents one observation
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?LineShape : Shape
Sets the shape of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?ShowLineColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?ReverseLineColorScale : bool
Wether or not to reverse the colorscale of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?Line : Line
Sets the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments).
?Arrangement : CategoryArrangement
Sets the drag interaction mode for categories and dimensions. If `perpendicular`, the categories can only move along a line perpendicular to the paths. If `freeform`, the categories can freely move on the plane. If `fixed`, the categories and dimensions are stationary.
?BundleColors : bool
Sort paths so that like colors are bundled together within each category.
?SortPaths : SortAlgorithm
Sets the path sorting algorithm. If `forward`, sort paths based on dimension categories from left to right. If `backward`, sort paths based on dimensions categories from right to left.
?LabelFont : Font
Sets the label font of this trace.
?TickFont : Font
Sets the tick font of this trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a parallel categories plot. The parallel categories diagram (also known as parallel sets or alluvial diagram) is a visualization of multi-dimensional categorical data sets. Each variable in the data set is represented by a column of rectangles, where each rectangle corresponds to a discrete value taken on by that variable. The relative heights of the rectangles reflect the relative frequency of occurrence of the corresponding value.
Full Usage:
Chart.ParallelCoord(dimensions, ?Name, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?ShowLineColorScale, ?ReverseLineColorScale, ?Line, ?LabelAngle, ?LabelFont, ?LabelSide, ?RangeFont, ?TickFont, ?UseDefaults)
the dimensions of the plot, containing both dimension backdrop information and the associated data
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?ShowLineColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?ReverseLineColorScale : bool
Wether or not to reverse the colorscale of the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions
?Line : Line
Sets the lines that are connecting the datums on the dimensions (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments).
?LabelAngle : int
Sets the angle of the labels with respect to the horizontal. For example, a `tickangle` of -90 draws the labels vertically. Tilted labels with "labelangle" may be positioned better inside margins when `labelposition` is set to "bottom".
?LabelFont : Font
Sets the label font of this trace.
?LabelSide : Side
Specifies the location of the `label`. "top" positions labels above, next to the title "bottom" positions labels below the graph Tilted labels with "labelangle" may be positioned better inside margins when `labelposition` is set to "bottom".
?RangeFont : Font
Sets the range font of this trace.
?TickFont : Font
Sets the tick font of this trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a parallel coordinates plot. Parallel coordinates are a common way of visualizing and analyzing high-dimensional datasets. To show a set of points in an n-dimensional space, a backdrop is drawn consisting of n parallel lines, typically vertical and equally spaced. A point in n-dimensional space is represented as a polyline with vertices on the parallel axes; the position of the vertex on the i-th axis corresponds to the i-th coordinate of the point. This visualization is closely related to time series visualization, except that it is applied to data where the axes do not correspond to points in time, and therefore do not have a natural order. Therefore, different axis arrangements may be of interest.
Full Usage:
Chart.Pie(values, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Labels, ?Pull, ?MultiPull, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?SectionColors, ?SectionOutlineColor, ?SectionOutlineWidth, ?SectionOutlineMultiWidth, ?SectionOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?Direction, ?Hole, ?Rotation, ?Sort, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the values of the sectors
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Labels : IEnumerable<'LabelsType>
Sets the sector labels. If `labels` entries are duplicated, the associated `values` are summed.
?Pull : float
Sets the fraction of larger radius to pull the sectors out from the center. This can be a constant to pull all slices apart from each other equally or an array to highlight one or more slices.
?MultiPull : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the fraction of larger radius to pull the sectors out from the center. This can be a constant to pull all slices apart from each other equally or an array to highlight one or more slices.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?SectionColors : IEnumerable<Color>
Sets the colors associated with each section.
?SectionOutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineMultiWidth : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the width of each individual section outline.
?SectionOutline : Line
Sets the section outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other section outline-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker of this trace.
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph.
?Direction : Direction
Specifies the direction at which succeeding sectors follow one another.
?Hole : float
Sets the fraction of the radius to cut out of the pie. Use this to make a donut chart.
?Rotation : float
Instead of the first slice starting at 12 o'clock, rotate to some other angle.
?Sort : bool
Determines whether or not the sectors are reordered from largest to smallest.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a pie chart. A pie chart (or a circle chart) is a circular statistical graphic, which is divided into slices to illustrate numerical proportion. In a pie chart, the arc length of each slice (and consequently its central angle and area), is proportional to the quantity it represents.
Full Usage:
Chart.Point(x, y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?StackGroup, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?StackGroup : string
Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Point chart, which uses Points in a 2D space to visualize data.
Full Usage:
Chart.Point3D(x, y, z, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?Projection, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the z coordinates of the plotted data.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?Projection : Projection
Sets the projection of this trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Point3D plot. Point3D Plots plot three-dimensional data on 3 cartesian position scales in the X, Y, and Z dimension as points.
Full Usage:
Chart.PointCarpet(a, b, carpetAnchorId, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the a-axis coordinates on the carpet.
b : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the b-axis coordinates on the carpet.
carpetAnchorId : string
The identifier of the carpet that this trace will lie on.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a point plot that lies on a specified carpet. In general, PointCarpet creates a point plot that uses the given carpet identifier as coordinate system. Wether the resulting plot is a cheater or true carpet plot depends on the referenced carpet.
Full Usage:
Chart.PointDensity(x, y, ?PointOpacity, ?PointMarkerColor, ?PointMarkerSymbol, ?PointMarkerSize, ?ContourLineColor, ?ContourLineSmoothing, ?ContourLineWidth, ?ShowContourLines, ?ShowContourLabels, ?ContourColoring, ?NContours, ?HistNorm, ?ContourOpacity, ?ColorBar, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data as well as the sample data to be binned on the x axis.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data as well as the sample data to be binned on the y axis.
?PointOpacity : float
Sets the opacity of the point trace.
?PointMarkerColor : Color
Sets the marker color of the point trace.
?PointMarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol of the point trace.
?PointMarkerSize : int
Sets the marker size of the point trace.
?ContourLineColor : Color
Sets the color of the contour lines of the histogram2dcontour trace.
?ContourLineSmoothing : float
Sets the smoothing of the contour lines of the histogram2dcontour trace.
?ContourLineWidth : float
Sets the width of the contour lines of the histogram2dcontour trace.
?ShowContourLines : bool
Wether or not to show contour lines
?ShowContourLabels : bool
Wether or not to show contour labels
?ContourColoring : ContourColoring
Determines the coloring method showing the contour values. If "fill", coloring is done evenly between each contour level If "heatmap", a heatmap gradient coloring is applied between each contour level. If "lines", coloring is done on the contour lines. If "none", no coloring is applied on this trace.
?NContours : int
Sets the maximum number of contour levels. The actual number of contours will be chosen automatically to be less than or equal to the value of `ncontours`. Has an effect only if `autocontour` is "true" or if `contours.size` is missing.
?HistNorm : HistNorm
Specifies the type of normalization used for this histogram trace. If "", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences (i.e. the number of data points lying inside the bins). If "percent" / "probability", the span of each bar corresponds to the percentage / fraction of occurrences with respect to the total number of sample points (here, the sum of all bin HEIGHTS equals 100% / 1). If "density", the span of each bar corresponds to the number of occurrences in a bin divided by the size of the bin interval (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals the total number of sample points). If "probability density", the area of each bar corresponds to the probability that an event will fall into the corresponding bin (here, the sum of all bin AREAS equals 1).
?ContourOpacity : float
Sets the opacity of the histogram2dcontour trace.
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the color bar.
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the histogram2dcontour trace.
?ShowScale : bool
wether or not to show the colorbar
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a point density plot - a combination of a Scatter plot and Histogram2DContour. Additionally to plotting the (x,y) data as points on a 2D plane, a density contour plot is computed by grouping a set of points specified by their x and y coordinates into bins, and applying a count aggregation function to compute the value to be used to compute contours. The sample data from which statistics are computed is set in `x` and `y` (where `x` and `y` represent marginal distributions, binning is set in `xbins` and `ybins` in this case). The resulting distribution is visualized as a contour plot.
Full Usage:
Chart.PointGeo(longitudes, latitudes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LocationMode, ?GeoJson, ?FeatureIdKey, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LocationMode : LocationFormat
Determines the set of locations used to match entries in `locations` to regions on the map. Values "ISO-3", "USA-states", "country names" correspond to features on the base map and value "geojson-id" corresponds to features from a custom GeoJSON linked to the `geojson` attribute.
?GeoJson : obj
Sets optional GeoJSON data associated with this trace. If not given, the features on the base map are used. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type "FeatureCollection" or "Feature" with geometries of type "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon".
?FeatureIdKey : string
Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the `locations` array. Only has an effect when `geojson` is set. Support nested property, for example "".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a PointGeo chart. In general, PointGeo Plots plot two-dimensional data as points using plotly's base geo map.
Full Usage:
Chart.PointMapbox(longitudes, latitudes, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?Below, ?EnableClustering, ?Cluster, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?Below : string
Determines if this scattermapbox trace's layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermapbox layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermapbox layers above every other layer, set `below` to "''".
?EnableClustering : bool
Wether or not to enable clustering for points
?Cluster : MapboxCluster
Sets the clustering options (use this for more finegrained control than the other cluster-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a PointMapbox chart, where data is visualized on a geographic map as points using mapbox. Customize the mapbox layers, style, etc. by using Chart.withMapbox. You might need a Mapbox token, which you can also configure with Chart.withMapbox.
Full Usage:
Chart.PointPolar(r, theta, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the radial coordinates of the plotted data
theta : IEnumerable<'ThetaType>
Sets the angular coordinates of the plotted data
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a polar point plot. PointPolar plots plot two-dimensional data on a polar coordinate system comprised of angular and radial position scales as points.
Full Usage:
Chart.PointSmith(real, imag, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the real component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
imag : IEnumerable<'ImagType>
Sets the imaginary component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Point plot on a smith coordinate system. In general, ScatterPoint charts plot complex numbers on a transformed two-dimensional Cartesian complex plane as points. Complex numbers with positive real parts map inside the circle. Those with negative real parts map outside the circle.
Full Usage:
Chart.PointTernary(?A, ?B, ?C, ?Sum, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the quantity of component `a` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?B : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the quantity of component `b` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?C : IEnumerable<'CType>
Sets the quantity of component `c` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?Sum : 'SumType
The number each triplet should sum to, if only two of `a`, `b`, and `c` are provided. This overrides `ternary.sum` to normalize this specific trace, but does not affect the values displayed on the axes. 0 (or missing) means to use `ternary.sum`
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a point plot on a ternary coordinate system In general, PointTernary creates a barycentric point plot on three variables which sum to a constant, graphically depicting the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle.
Full Usage:
Chart.Range(x, y, upper, lower, mode, ?Name, ?GroupName, ?ShowMarkers, ?ShowLegend, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?UpperMarker, ?LowerMarker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UpperLine, ?LowerLine, ?RangeColor, ?UpperText, ?MultiUpperText, ?LowerText, ?MultiLowerText, ?TextFont, ?LowerName, ?UpperName, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data for the mid Y value.
upper : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data for the upper Y value.
lower : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data for the lower Y value.
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name of the mid Y values. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?GroupName : string
Sets the name of the legendgroup for the three traces of this plot.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Determines whether or not an To show markers for each datum.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum for the mid Y values.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum for the mid Y values.
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker for the mid Y values.
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker for the mid Y values.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker for the mid Y values.
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum for the mid Y values.
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum for the mid Y values.
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments) for the mid Y values.
?UpperMarker : Marker
Sets the marker for the upper Y values.
?LowerMarker : Marker
Sets the marker for the lower Y values.
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line for the mid Y values.
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line for the mid Y values.
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line for the mid Y values.
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line for the mid Y values.
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments) for the mid Y values.
?UpperLine : Line
Sets the line for the upper Y values.
?LowerLine : Line
Sets the line for the lower Y values.
?RangeColor : Color
Sets the color of the range between upper and lower Y values.
?UpperText : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum for the upper Y values.
?MultiUpperText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum for the upper Y values.
?LowerText : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum for the lower Y values.
?MultiLowerText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum for the lower Y values.
?TextFont : Font
Sets the text font for all Text items
?LowerName : string
Sets the name of the lower Y value trace.
?UpperName : string
Sets the name of the uper Y value trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Displays a range of data by plotting three Y values per data point (upper, mid, lower). The mid Y value usually resembles some kind of central tendency and the upper/lower Y values some kind of spread.
Full Usage:
Chart.Sankey(nodes, links, ?Name, ?Ids, ?Orientation, ?TextFont, ?Arrangement, ?ValueFormat, ?ValueSuffix, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the nodes of the Sankey plot.
links : SankeyLinks
Sets the links between nodes of the Sankey plot.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?Ids : IEnumerable<'IdsType>
Assigns id labels to each datum.
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the orientation of the Sankey diagram.
?TextFont : Font
Sets the text font of this trace.
?Arrangement : CategoryArrangement
If value is `snap` (the default), the node arrangement is assisted by automatic snapping of elements to preserve space between nodes specified via `nodepad`. If value is `perpendicular`, the nodes can only move along a line perpendicular to the flow. If value is `freeform`, the nodes can freely move on the plane. If value is `fixed`, the nodes are stationary.
?ValueFormat : string
Sets the value formatting rule using d3 formatting mini-languages which are very similar to those in Python. For numbers, see:
?ValueSuffix : string
Adds a unit to follow the value in the hover tooltip. Add a space if a separation is necessary from the value.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a sankey diagram. A Sankey diagram is a flow diagram, in which the width of arrows is proportional to the flow quantity. Sankey diagrams visualize the contributions to a flow by defining source to represent the source node, target for the target node, value to set the flow volume, and label that shows the node name.
Full Usage:
Chart.Scatter(x, y, mode, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?StackGroup, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?Fill, ?FillColor, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?StackGroup : string
Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?Fill : Fill
Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to "none" unless this trace is stacked, then it gets "tonexty" ("tonextx") if `orientation` is "v" ("h") Use with `FillColor` if not "none". "tozerox" and "tozeroy" fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. "tonextx" and "tonexty" fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like "tozerox" and "tozeroy". "toself" connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. "tonext" fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like "toself" if there is no trace before it. "tonext" should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Scatter plot. Scatter charts are the basis of Point, Line, and Bubble Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those Chart.Line, Chart.Point, Chart.Bubble
Full Usage:
Chart.Scatter3D(x, y, z, mode, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?Projection, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the z coordinates of the plotted data.
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?Projection : Projection
Sets the projection of this trace.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Scatter3D plot. In general, Scatter3D Plots plot three-dimensional data on 3 cartesian position scales in the X, Y, and Z dimension. Scatter3D charts are the basis of Point3D, Line3D, and Bubble3D Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those: Chart.Line3D, Chart.Point3D, Chart.Bubble3D
Full Usage:
Chart.ScatterCarpet(a, b, mode, carpetAnchorId, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the a-axis coordinates on the carpet.
b : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the b-axis coordinates on the carpet.
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace. If the provided `mode` includes "text" then the `text` elements appear at the coordinates. Otherwise, the `text` elements appear on hover. If there are less than 20 points and the trace is not stacked then the default is "lines+markers". Otherwise, "lines".
carpetAnchorId : string
The identifier of the carpet that this trace will lie on.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a scatter plot that lies on a specified carpet. In general, ScatterCarpet creates a plot that uses the given carpet identifier as coordinate system. Wether the resulting plot is a cheater or true carpet plot depends on the referenced carpet. ScatterCarpet charts are the basis of PointCarpet, LineCarpet, and BubbleCarpet Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those: Chart.LineCarpet, Chart.PointCarpet, Chart.BubbleCarpet
Full Usage:
Chart.ScatterGeo(longitudes, latitudes, mode, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?LocationMode, ?GeoJson, ?FeatureIdKey, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?LocationMode : LocationFormat
Determines the set of locations used to match entries in `locations` to regions on the map. Values "ISO-3", "USA-states", "country names" correspond to features on the base map and value "geojson-id" corresponds to features from a custom GeoJSON linked to the `geojson` attribute.
?GeoJson : obj
Sets optional GeoJSON data associated with this trace. If not given, the features on the base map are used. It can be set as a valid GeoJSON object or as a URL string. Note that we only accept GeoJSONs of type "FeatureCollection" or "Feature" with geometries of type "Polygon" or "MultiPolygon".
?FeatureIdKey : string
Sets the key in GeoJSON features which is used as id to match the items included in the `locations` array. Only has an effect when `geojson` is set. Support nested property, for example "".
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a ScatterGeo chart, where data is visualized using plotly's base geo map. In general, ScatterGeo Plots plot two-dimensional data on a geo map via (lat,lon) coordinates. ScatterGeo charts are the basis of PointGeo, LineGeo, and BubbleGeo Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those: Chart.PointGeo, Chart.LineGeo, Chart.BubbleGeo
Full Usage:
Chart.ScatterMapbox(longitudes, latitudes, mode, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?Below, ?EnableClustering, ?Cluster, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the longitude coordinates (in degrees East).
latitudes : IEnumerable<'LatitudesType>
Sets the latitude coordinates (in degrees North).
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?Below : string
Determines if this scattermapbox trace's layers are to be inserted before the layer with the specified ID. By default, scattermapbox layers are inserted above all the base layers. To place the scattermapbox layers above every other layer, set `below` to "''".
?EnableClustering : bool
Wether or not to enable clustering for points
?Cluster : MapboxCluster
Sets the clustering options (use this for more finegrained control than the other cluster-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a ScatterMapbox chart, where data is visualized on a geographic map using mapbox. Customize the mapbox layers, style, etc. by using Chart.withMapbox. You might need a Mapbox token, which you can also configure with Chart.withMapbox. ScatterMapbox charts are the basis of PointMapbox, LineMapbox, and BubbleMapbox Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those: Chart.PointMapbox, Chart.LineMapbox, Chart.BubbleMapbox
Full Usage:
Chart.ScatterPolar(r, theta, mode, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the radial coordinates of the plotted data
theta : IEnumerable<'ThetaType>
Sets the angular coordinates of the plotted data (in degrees)
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a polar scatter plot. In general, ScatterPolar plots plot two-dimensional data on a polar coordinate system comprised of angular and radial position scales. ScatterPolar charts are the basis of PointPolar, LinePolar, SplinePolar, and BubblePolar Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those: Chart.PointPolar, Chart.LinePolar, Chart.SplinePolar , Chart.BubblePolar
Full Usage:
Chart.ScatterSmith(real, imag, mode, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?Fill, ?FillColor, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the real component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
imag : IEnumerable<'ImagType>
Sets the imaginary component of the data, in units of normalized impedance such that real=1, imag=0 is the center of the chart.
mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?Fill : Fill
Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to "none" unless this trace is stacked, then it gets "tonexty" ("tonextx") if `orientation` is "v" ("h") Use with `FillColor` if not "none". "tozerox" and "tozeroy" fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. "tonextx" and "tonexty" fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like "tozerox" and "tozeroy". "toself" connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. "tonext" fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like "toself" if there is no trace before it. "tonext" should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Scatter plot on a smith coordinate system. In general, ScatterSmith charts plot complex numbers on a transformed two-dimensional Cartesian complex plane. Complex numbers with positive real parts map inside the circle. Those with negative real parts map outside the circle. ScatterSmith charts are the basis of PointSmith, LineSmith, and BubbleSmith Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those: Chart.LineSmith, Chart.PointSmith, Chart.BubbleSmith
Full Usage:
Chart.ScatterTernary(?A, ?B, ?C, ?Sum, ?Mode, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the quantity of component `a` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?B : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the quantity of component `b` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?C : IEnumerable<'CType>
Sets the quantity of component `c` in each data point. If `a`, `b`, and `c` are all provided, they need not be normalized, only the relative values matter. If only two arrays are provided they must be normalized to match `ternary.sum`.
?Sum : 'SumType
The number each triplet should sum to, if only two of `a`, `b`, and `c` are provided. This overrides `ternary.sum` to normalize this specific trace, but does not affect the values displayed on the axes. 0 (or missing) means to use `ternary.sum`
?Mode : Mode
Determines the drawing mode for this scatter trace.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Scatter plot on a ternary coordinate system In general, ScatterTernary creates a barycentric plot on three variables which sum to a constant, graphically depicting the ratios of the three variables as positions in an equilateral triangle. ScatterTernary charts are the basis of PointTernary, LineTernary, and BubbleTernary Charts, and can be customized as such. We also provide abstractions for those: Chart.LineTernary, Chart.PointTernary, Chart.BubbleTernary
Full Usage:
Chart.Spline(x, y, ?ShowMarkers, ?Smoothing, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?StackGroup, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?Fill, ?FillColor, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Smoothing : float
Sets the amount of smoothing. "0" corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a "linear" shape). Use values between 0. and 1.3
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?StackGroup : string
Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?Fill : Fill
Sets the area to fill with a solid color. Defaults to "none" unless this trace is stacked, then it gets "tonexty" ("tonextx") if `orientation` is "v" ("h") Use with `FillColor` if not "none". "tozerox" and "tozeroy" fill to x=0 and y=0 respectively. "tonextx" and "tonexty" fill between the endpoints of this trace and the endpoints of the trace before it, connecting those endpoints with straight lines (to make a stacked area graph); if there is no trace before it, they behave like "tozerox" and "tozeroy". "toself" connects the endpoints of the trace (or each segment of the trace if it has gaps) into a closed shape. "tonext" fills the space between two traces if one completely encloses the other (eg consecutive contour lines), and behaves like "toself" if there is no trace before it. "tonext" should not be used if one trace does not enclose the other. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order.
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Spline chart. A spline chart is a line chart in which data points are connected by smoothed curves: this modification is aimed to improve the design of a chart. Very similar to Line Plots, spline charts are typically used to visualize an evolution of Y depending on X.
Full Usage:
Chart.SplineArea(x, y, ?ShowMarkers, ?Smoothing, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?StackGroup, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?FillColor, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Smoothing : float
Sets the amount of smoothing. "0" corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a "linear" shape). Use values between 0. and 1.3
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?StackGroup : string
Set several traces (on the same subplot) to the same stackgroup in order to add their y values (or their x values if `Orientation` is Horizontal). Stacking also turns `fill` on by default and sets the default `mode` to "lines" irrespective of point count. ou can only stack on a numeric (linear or log) axis. Traces in a `stackgroup` will only fill to (or be filled to) other traces in the same group. With multiple `stackgroup`s or some traces stacked and some not, if fill-linked traces are not already consecutive, the later ones will be pushed down in the drawing order
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a Spline area chart, which uses a smoothed Line plotted between the given datums in a 2D space, additionally colouring the area between the line and the Y Axis.
Full Usage:
Chart.SplineCarpet(a, b, carpetAnchorId, ?ShowMarkers, ?Smoothing, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the a-axis coordinates on the carpet.
b : IEnumerable<'BType>
Sets the b-axis coordinates on the carpet.
carpetAnchorId : string
The identifier of the carpet that this trace will lie on.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Smoothing : float
Sets the amount of smoothing. "0" corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a "linear" shape). Use values between 0. and 1.3
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a spline plot that lies on a specified carpet. In general, SplineCarpet creates a spline plot that uses the given carpet identifier as coordinate system. A spline chart is a line chart in which data points are connected by smoothed curves. Wether the resulting plot is a cheater or true carpet plot depends on the referenced carpet.
Full Usage:
Chart.SplinePolar(r, theta, ?ShowMarkers, ?Smoothing, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the radial coordinates of the plotted data
theta : IEnumerable<'ThetaType>
Sets the angular coordinates of the plotted data
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the datums additionally to the line
?Smoothing : float
Sets the amount of smoothing. "0" corresponds to no smoothing (equivalent to a "linear" shape). Use values between 0. and 1.3
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol3D
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol3D>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a polar spline plot. LinePolar plots plot two-dimensional data on a polar coordinate system comprised of angular and radial position scales connected via a smoothed line.
Full Usage:
Chart.Splom(dimensions, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?ShowDiagonal, ?Diagonal, ?ShowLowerHalf, ?ShowUpperHalf, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the dimensions of the scatter plot matrix, where each item corresponds to a generated axis.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker.
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker. Use `Color.fromColorScaleValues` to map marker colors to a colorscale.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the symbol of all marker
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the symbol of each individual marker
?Marker : Marker
Sets the markers (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?ShowDiagonal : bool
Wether or not to show the matrix diagional
?Diagonal : SplomDiagonal
Sets the styles applied to the scatter plot matrix diagonal
?ShowLowerHalf : bool
Determines whether or not subplots on the lower half from the diagonal are displayed.
?ShowUpperHalf : bool
Determines whether or not subplots on the upper half from the diagonal are displayed.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a scatter plot matrix (SPLOM) from multiple input dimensions. Each splom `dimensions` items correspond to a generated axis. Values for each of those dimensions are set in `dimensions[i].values`. Splom traces support all `scattergl` marker style attributes. Specify `layout.grid` attributes and/or layout x-axis and y-axis attributes for more control over the axis positioning and style.
Full Usage:
Chart.StackedArea(x, y, ?ShowMarkers, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerSymbol, ?MultiMarkerSymbol, ?Marker, ?LineColor, ?LineColorScale, ?LineWidth, ?LineDash, ?Line, ?Orientation, ?GroupNorm, ?FillColor, ?UseWebGL, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?ShowMarkers : bool
Wether to show markers for the individual data points
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the marker
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the marker
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the outline of the marker
?MarkerSymbol : MarkerSymbol
Sets the marker symbol for each datum
?MultiMarkerSymbol : IEnumerable<MarkerSymbol>
Sets the marker symbol for each individual datum
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?LineColor : Color
Sets the color of the line
?LineColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the line
?LineWidth : float
Sets the width of the line
?LineDash : DrawingStyle
sets the drawing style of the line
?Line : Line
Sets the line (use this for more finegrained control than the other line-associated arguments)
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the stacking direction. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used.
?GroupNorm : GroupNorm
Sets the normalization for the sum of this `stackgroup. Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `groupnorm` found in the `stackgroup` will be used
?FillColor : Color
ets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?UseWebGL : bool
If true, plotly.js will use the WebGL engine to render this chart. use this when you want to render many objects at once.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a stacked Area chart, which uses a Line plotted between the given datums in a 2D space, additionally colouring the area between the line and the Y Axis. Multiple Charts of this type are stacked on top of each others y dimensions
Full Usage:
Chart.StackedBar(values, ?Keys, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerPatternShape, ?MultiMarkerPatternShape, ?MarkerPattern, ?Marker, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MultiWidth, ?UseDefaults, ?Base, ?Width)
Sets the values that are plotted as the size of each bar.
?Keys : IEnumerable<'KeysType>
Sets the keys associated with each bar.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the Opacity of each individual bar.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the bars
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for the bars. To have an effect, `MarkerColor` must map to color scale values.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the color of the bar outlines
?MarkerPatternShape : PatternShape
Sets a pattern shape for all bars
?MultiMarkerPatternShape : IEnumerable<PatternShape>
Sets an individual pattern shape for each bar
?MarkerPattern : Pattern
Sets the marker pattern (use this for more finegrained control than the other pattern-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the bars (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MultiWidth : IEnumerable<'ValuesType>
Sets the individual bar width (in position axis units) for each bar.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
?Base : 'ValuesType
Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units).
?Width : 'ValuesType
Sets the bar width (in position axis units) of all bars.
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a stacked bar chart, with bars plotted horizontally. Values with the same key are stacked on top of each other in the X dimension. To create this type of chart, combine multiple of these charts via `Chart.combine`. A bar chart is a chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.
Full Usage:
Chart.StackedColumn(values, ?Keys, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerColorScale, ?MarkerOutline, ?MarkerPatternShape, ?MultiMarkerPatternShape, ?MarkerPattern, ?Marker, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?MultiWidth, ?UseDefaults, ?Base, ?Width)
Sets the values that are plotted as the size of each bar.
?Keys : IEnumerable<'KeysType>
Sets the keys associated with each bar.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the Opacity of each individual bar.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the bars
?MarkerColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for the bars. To have an effect, `MarkerColor` must map to color scale values.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the color of the bar outlines
?MarkerPatternShape : PatternShape
Sets a pattern shape for all bars
?MultiMarkerPatternShape : IEnumerable<PatternShape>
Sets an individual pattern shape for each bar
?MarkerPattern : Pattern
Sets the marker pattern (use this for more finegrained control than the other pattern-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the bars (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?MultiWidth : IEnumerable<'ValuesType>
Sets the individual bar width (in position axis units) for each bar.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
?Base : 'ValuesType
Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units).
?Width : 'ValuesType
Sets the bar width (in position axis units) of all bars.
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a stacked column chart, with bars plotted vertically. Values with the same key are stacked on top of each other in the Y dimension. To create this type of chart, combine multiple of these charts via `Chart.combine`. A bar chart is a chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with heights or lengths proportional to the values that they represent.
Full Usage:
Chart.StackedFunnel(x, y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Width, ?Offset, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?Orientation, ?AlignmentGroup, ?OffsetGroup, ?MarkerColor, ?MarkerOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?ConnectorLineColor, ?ConnectorLineStyle, ?ConnectorFillColor, ?ConnectorLine, ?Connector, ?InsideTextFont, ?OutsideTextFont, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity of the trace.
?Width : float
Sets the bar width (in position axis units).
?Offset : float
Shifts the position where the bar is drawn (in position axis units). In "group" barmode, traces that set "offset" will be excluded and drawn in "overlay" mode instead.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?Orientation : Orientation
Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used - including if `visible` is "legendonly" but not if it is `false`. Sets the stacking direction. With "v" ("h"), the y (x) values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of `fill`.
?AlignmentGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.
?OffsetGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the color of the bars.
?MarkerOutline : Line
Sets the color of the bar outline.
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments)
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph. In the case of having multiple funnels, percentages and totals are computed separately (per trace).
?ConnectorLineColor : Color
Sets the line color of the funnel connector
?ConnectorLineStyle : DrawingStyle
Sets the line style of the funnel connector
?ConnectorFillColor : Color
Sets the fill color of the funnel connector
?ConnectorLine : Line
Sets the line of the funnel connector (use this for more finegrained control than the other connector line associated arguments).
?Connector : FunnelConnector
Sets the funnel connector (use this for more finegrained control than the other connector-associated arguments).
?InsideTextFont : Font
Sets the font used for `text` lying inside the bar.
?OutsideTextFont : Font
Sets the font used for `text` lying outside the bar.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a stacked Funnel chart, a variation of the funnel chart where multiple funnel bars of each stage are stacked on top of each other. To create this type of chart, combine multiple of these charts via `Chart.combine`. Funnel charts visualize stages in a process using length-encoded bars. This trace can be used to show data in either a part-to-whole representation wherein each item appears in a single stage, or in a "drop-off" representation wherein each item appears in each stage it traversed. See also the "funnelarea" trace type for a different approach to visualizing funnel data.
Full Usage:
Chart.StreamTube(x, y, z, u, v, w, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ColorBar, ?MaxDisplayed, ?TubeStarts, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the z coordinates of the vector field and of the displayed cones.
u : IEnumerable<'UType>
Sets the x components of the vector field.
v : IEnumerable<'VType>
Sets the y components of the vector field.
w : IEnumerable<'WType>
Sets the z components of the vector field.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar
?MaxDisplayed : int
The maximum number of displayed segments in a streamtube.
?TubeStarts : StreamTubeStarts
Use this object to specify custom tube start positions
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a streamtube plot, typically used to visualize flow in a vector field. Specify a vector field using 6 1D arrays of equal length: 3 position arrays `x`, `y` and `z` and 3 vector component arrays `u`, `v`, and `w`. By default, the tubes' starting positions will be cut from the vector field's x-z plane at its minimum y value. To specify your own starting position, use `TubeStarts`. The color is encoded by the norm of (u, v, w), and the local radius by the divergence of (u, v, w).
Full Usage:
Chart.Sunburst(labels, parents, ?Values, ?Ids, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?SectionColors, ?SectionColorScale, ?ShowSectionColorScale, ?ReverseSectionColorScale, ?SectionOutlineColor, ?SectionOutlineWidth, ?SectionOutlineMultiWidth, ?SectionOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?BranchValues, ?Count, ?Root, ?Leaf, ?Level, ?MaxDepth, ?Rotation, ?Sort, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the labels of each of the sectors.
parents : IEnumerable<'ParentsType>
Sets the parent sectors for each of the sectors. Empty string items '' are understood to reference the root node in the hierarchy. If `ids` is filled, `parents` items are understood to be "ids" themselves. When `ids` is not set, plotly attempts to find matching items in `labels`, but beware they must be unique.
?Values : IEnumerable<'ValuesType>
Sets the values associated with each of the sectors.
?Ids : IEnumerable<'IdsType>
Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?SectionColors : IEnumerable<Color>
Sets the colors associated with each section.
?SectionColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for the section values
?ShowSectionColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the section colorbar
?ReverseSectionColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the section colorscale
?SectionOutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineMultiWidth : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the width of each individual section outline.
?SectionOutline : Line
Sets the section outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other section outline-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker of this trace.
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph.
?BranchValues : BranchValues
Determines how the items in `values` are summed. When set to "total", items in `values` are taken to be value of all its descendants. When set to "remainder", items in `values` corresponding to the root and the branches sectors are taken to be the extra part not part of the sum of the values at their leaves.
?Count : string
Determines default for `values` when it is not provided, by inferring a 1 for each of the "leaves" and/or "branches", otherwise 0.
?Root : SunburstRoot
Sets the styles fot the root of this trace.
?Leaf : SunburstLeaf
Sets the styles fot the leaves of this trace.
?Level : string
Sets the level from which this trace hierarchy is rendered. Set `level` to `''` to start from the root node in the hierarchy. Must be an "id" if `ids` is filled in, otherwise plotly attempts to find a matching item in `labels`.
?MaxDepth : int
Sets the number of rendered sectors from any given `level`. Set `maxdepth` to "-1" to render all the levels in the hierarchy.
?Rotation : int
Rotates the whole diagram counterclockwise by some angle. By default the first slice starts at 3 o'clock.
?Sort : bool
Determines whether or not the sectors are reordered from largest to smallest.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a sunburst chart, which visualizes hierarchical data spanning outward radially from root to leaves. The hierarchy is defined by labels and parents attributes. The root starts from the center and children are added to the outer rings.
Full Usage:
Chart.Surface(zData, ?X, ?Y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?Contours, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?UseDefaults)
2 dimensional data array representing the surface's z values
?X : IEnumerable<'XType>
Sets the x coordinates.
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?Contours : Contours
Sets the contours on the surface
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale of the surface
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a surface plot. Surface plots plot a z value as a function of x and y, creating a three-dimensional surface. The data the describes the coordinates of the surface is set in `z`. Data in `z` should be a 2D array. Coordinates in `x` and `y` can either be 1D arrays or 2D arrays (e.g. to graph parametric surfaces). If not provided in `x` and `y`, the x and y coordinates are assumed to be linear starting at 0 with a unit step. The color scale corresponds to the `z` values by default. For custom color scales, use `surfacecolor` which should be a 2D array, where its bounds can be controlled using `cmin` and `cmax`.
Full Usage:
Chart.Table(header, cells, ?Name, ?ColumnOrder, ?ColumnWidth, ?MultiColumnWidth, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the header of the table
cells : TableCells
Sets the cells of the table
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ColumnOrder : IEnumerable<int>
Specifies the rendered order of the data columns; for example, a value `2` at position `0` means that column index `0` in the data will be rendered as the third column, as columns have an index base of zero.
?ColumnWidth : float
The width of columns expressed as a ratio. Columns fill the available width in proportion of their specified column widths.
?MultiColumnWidth : IEnumerable<float>
The width of columns expressed as a ratio. Columns fill the available width in proportion of their specified column widths.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a table. The data are arranged in a grid of rows and columns. Most styling can be specified for columns, rows or individual cells. Table is using a row-major order per default, ie. the grid is represented as a vector of row vectors.
Full Usage:
Chart.Treemap(labels, parents, ?Values, ?Ids, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?MultiOpacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?SectionColors, ?SectionColorScale, ?ShowSectionColorScale, ?ReverseSectionColorScale, ?SectionOutlineColor, ?SectionOutlineWidth, ?SectionOutlineMultiWidth, ?SectionOutline, ?Marker, ?TextInfo, ?BranchValues, ?Count, ?Tiling, ?PathBar, ?Root, ?Level, ?MaxDepth, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the labels of each of the sectors.
parents : IEnumerable<'ParentsType>
Sets the parent sectors for each of the sectors. Empty string items '' are understood to reference the root node in the hierarchy. If `ids` is filled, `parents` items are understood to be "ids" themselves. When `ids` is not set, plotly attempts to find matching items in `labels`, but beware they must be unique.
?Values : IEnumerable<'ValuesType>
Sets the values associated with each of the sectors.
?Ids : IEnumerable<'IdsType>
Assigns id labels to each datum. These ids for object constancy of data points during animation.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?MultiOpacity : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the opactity of individual datum markers
?Text : 'TextType
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets text elements associated with each (x,y) pair. If a single string, the same string appears over all the data points. If an array of string, the items are mapped in order to the this trace's (x,y) coordinates. If trace `hoverinfo` contains a "text" flag and "hovertext" is not set, these elements will be seen in the hover labels.
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates.
?SectionColors : IEnumerable<Color>
Sets the colors associated with each section.
?SectionColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale for the section values
?ShowSectionColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the section colorbar
?ReverseSectionColorScale : bool
Wether or not to show the section colorscale
?SectionOutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the section outline.
?SectionOutlineMultiWidth : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the width of each individual section outline.
?SectionOutline : Line
Sets the section outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other section outline-associated arguments).
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker of this trace.
?TextInfo : TextInfo
Determines which trace information appear on the graph.
?BranchValues : BranchValues
Determines how the items in `values` are summed. When set to "total", items in `values` are taken to be value of all its descendants. When set to "remainder", items in `values` corresponding to the root and the branches sectors are taken to be the extra part not part of the sum of the values at their leaves.
?Count : string
Determines default for `values` when it is not provided, by inferring a 1 for each of the "leaves" and/or "branches", otherwise 0.
?Tiling : TreemapTiling
Sets the tiling for this trace.
?PathBar : Pathbar
Sets the path bar for this trace.
?Root : TreemapRoot
Sets the styles fot the root of this trace.
?Level : string
Sets the level from which this trace hierarchy is rendered. Set `level` to `''` to start from the root node in the hierarchy. Must be an "id" if `ids` is filled in, otherwise plotly attempts to find a matching item in `labels`.
?MaxDepth : int
Sets the number of rendered sectors from any given `level`. Set `maxdepth` to "-1" to render all the levels in the hierarchy.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a treemap chart. Treemap charts visualize hierarchical data using nested rectangles. Same as Sunburst the hierarchy is defined by labels and parents attributes. Click on one sector to zoom in/out, which also displays a pathbar in the upper-left corner of your treemap. To zoom out you can use the path bar as well.
Full Usage:
Chart.Violin(?X, ?Y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?FillColor, ?Opacity, ?Points, ?Jitter, ?PointPos, ?Orientation, ?Width, ?MarkerColor, ?Marker, ?OutlineColor, ?OutlineWidth, ?Outline, ?AlignmentGroup, ?OffsetGroup, ?ShowBox, ?BoxWidth, ?BoxFillColor, ?Box, ?BandWidth, ?MeanLine, ?ScaleGroup, ?ScaleMode, ?Side, ?Span, ?SpanMode, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x sample data or coordinates.
?Y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y sample data or coordinates.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover.
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?FillColor : Color
Sets the fill color. Defaults to a half-transparent variant of the line color, marker color, or marker line color, whichever is available.
?Opacity : float
Sets the Opacity otf the trace.
?Points : BoxPoints
If "outliers", only the sample points lying outside the whiskers are shown If "suspectedoutliers", the outlier points are shown and points either less than 4"Q1-3"Q3 or greater than 4"Q3-3"Q1 are highlighted (see `outliercolor`) If "all", all sample points are shown If "false", only the violins are shown with no sample points. Defaults to "suspectedoutliers" when `marker.outliercolor` or `marker.line.outliercolor` is set, otherwise defaults to "outliers".
?Jitter : float
Sets the amount of jitter in the sample points drawn. If "0", the sample points align along the distribution axis. If "1", the sample points are drawn in a random jitter of width equal to the width of the box(es).
?PointPos : float
Sets the position of the sample points in relation to the box(es). If "0", the sample points are places over the center of the box(es). Positive (negative) values correspond to positions to the right (left) for vertical boxes and above (below) for horizontal boxes
?Orientation : Orientation
Sets the orientation of the violin(s). If "v" ("h"), the distribution is visualized along the vertical (horizontal).
?Width : float
Sets the width of the violin in data coordinates. If "0" (default value) the width is automatically selected based on the positions of other violin traces in the same subplot.
?MarkerColor : Color
Sets the marker color.
?Marker : Marker
Sets the marker for the violin (use this for more finegrained control than the other marker-associated arguments).
?OutlineColor : Color
Sets the color of the box outline
?OutlineWidth : float
Sets the width of the box outline
?Outline : Line
Sets the box outline (use this for more finegrained control than the other outline-associated arguments).
?AlignmentGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.
?OffsetGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.
?ShowBox : bool
Wether and how to draw a miniature box plot
?BoxWidth : float
Sets the width of the miniature box plot
?BoxFillColor : Color
Sets the fill color of the miniature box plot
?Box : Box
Sets the styles of the miniature box plot (use this for more finegrained control than the other box-associated arguments)
?BandWidth : float
Sets the bandwidth used to compute the kernel density estimate. By default, the bandwidth is determined by Silverman's rule of thumb.
?MeanLine : MeanLine
Wether and how to draw the meanline
?ScaleGroup : string
If there are multiple violins that should be sized according to to some metric (see `scalemode`), link them by providing a non-empty group id here shared by every trace in the same group. If a violin's `width` is undefined, `scalegroup` will default to the trace's name. In this case, violins with the same names will be linked together
?ScaleMode : ScaleMode
Sets the metric by which the width of each violin is determined."width" means each violin has the same (max) width"count" means the violins are scaled by the number of sample points makingup each violin.
?Side : ViolinSide
Determines on which side of the position value the density function making up one half of a violin is plotted. Useful when comparing two violin traces under "overlay" mode, where one trace has `side` set to "positive" and the other to "negative".
?Span : Range
Sets the span in data space for which the density function will be computed. Has an effect only when `spanmode` is set to "manual".
?SpanMode : SpanMode
Sets the method by which the span in data space where the density function will be computed. "soft" means the span goes from the sample's minimum value minus two bandwidths to the sample's maximum value plus two bandwidths. "hard" means the span goes from the sample's minimum to its maximum value. For custom span settings, use mode "manual" and fill in the `span` attribute.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Visualizes the distribution of the input data as a violin plot. A violin plot is a method of plotting numeric data. It is similar to a box plot, except that they also show the probability density of the data at different values, usually smoothed by a kernel density estimator. In vertical (horizontal) violin plots, statistics are computed using `y` (`x`) values. By supplying an `x` (`y`) array, one violin per distinct x (y) value is drawn If no `x` (`y`) array is provided, a single violin is drawn. That violin position is then positioned with with `name` or with `x0` (`y0`) if provided.
Full Usage:
Chart.Volume(x, y, z, value, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?ColorScale, ?ShowScale, ?ColorBar, ?IsoMin, ?IsoMax, ?Caps, ?Slices, ?Surface, ?OpacityScale, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the X coordinates of the vertices on X axis.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the Y coordinates of the vertices on Y axis.
z : IEnumerable<'ZType>
Sets the Z coordinates of the vertices on Z axis.
value : IEnumerable<'ValueType>
Sets the 4th dimension (value) of the vertices.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?Opacity : float
Sets the opactity of the trace
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?ColorScale : Colorscale
Sets the colorscale
?ShowScale : bool
Wether or not to show the colorbar/colorscale
?ColorBar : ColorBar
Sets the colorbar
?IsoMin : float
Sets the minimum boundary for iso-surface plot.
?IsoMax : float
Sets the maximum boundary for iso-surface plot.
?Caps : Caps
Sets the caps (color-coded surfaces on the sides of the visualization domain)
?Slices : Slices
Adds Slices through the volume
?Surface : Surface
Sets the surface.
?OpacityScale : IEnumerable<IEnumerable<'OpacityScaleType>>
Sets the opacityscale. The opacityscale must be an array containing arrays mapping a normalized value to an opacity value. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0) and highest (1) values are required. For example, `[[0, 1], [0.5, 0.2], [1, 1]]` means that higher/lower values would have higher opacity values and those in the middle would be more transparent Alternatively, `opacityscale` may be a palette name string of the following list: 'min', 'max', 'extremes' and 'uniform'. The default is 'uniform'.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a volume plot to visualize the volume of a 3D shape. Draws volume trace between iso-min and iso-max values with coordinates given by four 1-dimensional arrays containing the `value`, `x`, `y` and `z` of every vertex of a uniform or non-uniform 3-D grid. Horizontal or vertical slices, caps as well as spaceframe between iso-min and iso-max values could also be drawn using this trace. This plot is very similar to the `IsoSurface` plot. However, whereas isosurface plots show all surfaces with the same opacity, tweaking the opacityscale parameter of Volume plots results in a depth effect and better volume rendering.
Full Usage:
Chart.Waterfall(x, y, ?Name, ?ShowLegend, ?IncreasingColor, ?Increasing, ?DecreasingColor, ?Decreasing, ?TotalsColor, ?Totals, ?Base, ?Width, ?MultiWidth, ?Opacity, ?Text, ?MultiText, ?TextPosition, ?MultiTextPosition, ?TextFont, ?Connector, ?Measure, ?AlignmentGroup, ?OffsetGroup, ?Orientation, ?UseDefaults)
Sets the x coordinates of the plotted data.
y : IEnumerable<'YType>
Sets the y coordinates of the plotted data.
?Name : string
Sets the trace name. The trace name appear as the legend item and on hover
?ShowLegend : bool
Determines whether or not an item corresponding to this trace is shown in the legend.
?IncreasingColor : Color
Sets the color of increasing values
?Increasing : FinanceMarker
Sets the style options of increasing values (use this for more finegrained control than the other increasing-associated arguments).
?DecreasingColor : Color
Sets the color of decreasing values
?Decreasing : FinanceMarker
Sets the style options of decreasing values (use this for more finegrained control than the other increasing-associated arguments).
?TotalsColor : Color
Sets the color of total values
?Totals : FinanceMarker
Sets the style options of total values (use this for more finegrained control than the other increasing-associated arguments).
?Base : float
Sets where the bar base is drawn (in position axis units).
?Width : float
Sets the bar width (in position axis units).
?MultiWidth : IEnumerable<float>
Sets the individual bar width of each datum (in position axis units).
?Opacity : float
Sets the opacity of the trace.
?Text : 'TextType
Sets a text associated with each datum
?MultiText : IEnumerable<'TextType>
Sets individual text for each datum
?TextPosition : TextPosition
Sets the position of text associated with each datum
?MultiTextPosition : IEnumerable<TextPosition>
Sets the position of text associated with individual datum
?TextFont : Font
Sets the font used for `text`.
?Connector : WaterfallConnector
Sets the waterfall connector of this trace
?Measure : IEnumerable<WaterfallMeasure>
An array containing types of measures. By default the values are considered as 'relative'. However; it is possible to use 'total' to compute the sums. Also 'absolute' could be applied to reset the computed total or to declare an initial value where needed.
?AlignmentGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same alignmentgroup. This controls whether bars compute their positional range dependently or independently.
?OffsetGroup : string
Set several traces linked to the same position axis or matching axes to the same offsetgroup where bars of the same position coordinate will line up.
?Orientation : Orientation
Only relevant when `stackgroup` is used, and only the first `orientation` found in the `stackgroup` will be used - including if `visible` is "legendonly" but not if it is `false`. Sets the stacking direction. With "v" ("h"), the y (x) values of subsequent traces are added. Also affects the default value of `fill`.
?UseDefaults : bool
If set to false, ignore the global default settings set in `Defaults`
Returns: GenericChart
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Creates a waterfall chart. Waterfall charts are special bar charts that help visualizing the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values