Parallel categories


Summary: This example shows how to create parallel categories plot in F#.

The parallel categories diagram (also known as parallel sets or alluvial diagram) is a visualization of multi-dimensional categorical data sets. Each variable in the data set is represented by a column of rectangles, where each rectangle corresponds to a discrete value taken on by that variable. The relative heights of the rectangles reflect the relative frequency of occurrence of the corresponding value.

Combinations of category rectangles across dimensions are connected by ribbons, where the height of the ribbon corresponds to the relative frequency of occurrence of the combination of categories in the data set.

open Plotly.NET
open Plotly.NET.TraceObjects

let dims =
    [ Dimension.initParallel (Values = [ "Cat1"; "Cat1"; "Cat1"; "Cat1"; "Cat2"; "Cat2"; "Cat3" ], Label = "A")
      Dimension.initParallel (Values = [ 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 0; 0 ], Label = "B", TickText = [ "YES"; "NO" ]) ]

let parcats =
        dimensions = dims,
        LineColor = Color.fromColorScaleValues [ 0.; 1.; 0.; 1.; 0.; 0.; 0. ],
        LineColorScale = StyleParam.Colorscale.Blackbody

More styled example

This example shows the usage of some of the styling options using Chart.ParallelCategories. For even more styling control, use the respective TraceStyle function TraceDomainStyle.ParallelCategories

let parcatsStyled =
    let dims =
        [ Dimension.initParallel (Values = [ "A"; "A"; "A"; "B"; "B"; "B"; "C"; "D" ], Label = "Lvl1")
          Dimension.initParallel (Values = [ "AA"; "AA"; "AB"; "AB"; "AB"; "AB"; "AB"; "AB" ], Label = "Lvl2")
          Dimension.initParallel (Values = [ "AAA"; "AAB"; "AAC"; "AAC"; "AAB"; "AAB"; "AAA"; "AAA" ], Label = "Lvl3") ]

        dimensions = dims,
        LineColor = Color.fromColorScaleValues [ 0; 1; 2; 2; 1; 1; 0; 0 ], // These values map to the last category axis, meaning [AAA => 0; AAB = 1; AAC => 2]
        LineColorScale = StyleParam.Colorscale.Viridis,
        BundleColors = false
namespace Plotly
namespace Plotly.NET
module Defaults from Plotly.NET
<summary> Contains mutable global default values. Changing these values will apply the default values to all consecutive Chart generations. </summary>
val mutable DefaultDisplayOptions: DisplayOptions
Multiple items
type DisplayOptions = inherit DynamicObj new: unit -> DisplayOptions static member addAdditionalHeadTags: additionalHeadTags: XmlNode list -> (DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions) static member addDescription: description: XmlNode list -> (DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions) static member combine: first: DisplayOptions -> second: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions static member getAdditionalHeadTags: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> XmlNode list static member getDescription: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> XmlNode list static member getPlotlyReference: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> PlotlyJSReference static member init: ?AdditionalHeadTags: XmlNode list * ?Description: XmlNode list * ?PlotlyJSReference: PlotlyJSReference -> DisplayOptions static member initCDNOnly: unit -> DisplayOptions ...

new: unit -> DisplayOptions
static member DisplayOptions.init: ?AdditionalHeadTags: Giraffe.ViewEngine.HtmlElements.XmlNode list * ?Description: Giraffe.ViewEngine.HtmlElements.XmlNode list * ?PlotlyJSReference: PlotlyJSReference -> DisplayOptions
type PlotlyJSReference = | CDN of string | Full | Require of string | NoReference
<summary> Sets how plotly is referenced in the head of html docs. </summary>
union case PlotlyJSReference.NoReference: PlotlyJSReference
namespace Plotly.NET.TraceObjects
val dims: Dimension list
Multiple items
type Dimension = inherit DynamicObj new: unit -> Dimension static member initParallel: ?ConstraintRange: Range * ?Label: #IConvertible * ?MultiSelect: bool * ?Name: string * ?Range: Range * ?TemplateItemName: string * ?TickFormat: TickMode * ?TickText: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Tickvals: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Values: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Visible: bool -> Dimension static member initSplom: ?AxisMatches: bool * ?AxisType: AxisType * ?Label: #IConvertible * ?Name: string * ?TemplateItemName: string * ?Values: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Visible: bool -> Dimension static member style: ?Label: #IConvertible * ?Name: string * ?TemplateItemName: string * ?Values: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Visible: bool * ?ConstraintRange: Range * ?MultiSelect: bool * ?Range: Range * ?TickFormat: TickMode * ?TickText: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Tickvals: seq<#IConvertible> * ?AxisMatches: bool * ?AxisType: AxisType -> (Dimension -> Dimension)
<summary> Dimensions type inherits from dynamic object </summary>

new: unit -> Dimension
static member Dimension.initParallel: ?ConstraintRange: StyleParam.Range * ?Label: #System.IConvertible * ?MultiSelect: bool * ?Name: string * ?Range: StyleParam.Range * ?TemplateItemName: string * ?TickFormat: StyleParam.TickMode * ?TickText: seq<#System.IConvertible> * ?Tickvals: seq<#System.IConvertible> * ?Values: seq<#System.IConvertible> * ?Visible: bool -> Dimension
val parcats: GenericChart.GenericChart
type Chart = static member AnnotatedHeatmap: zData: seq<#seq<'a1>> * annotationText: seq<#seq<string>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?X: seq<'a3> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a3>> * ?XGap: int * ?Y: seq<'a4> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a4>> * ?YGap: int * ?Text: 'a5 * ?MultiText: seq<'a5> * ?ColorBar: ColorBar * ?ColorScale: Colorscale * ?ShowScale: bool * ?ReverseScale: bool * ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * ?Transpose: bool * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?ReverseYAxis: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a3 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible and 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Area: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * ?ShowMarkers: bool * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * ?FillColor: Color * ?FillPatternShape: PatternShape * ?FillPattern: Pattern * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Bar: values: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Keys: seq<'a1> * ?MultiKeys: seq<seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: seq<PatternShape> * ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * ?Marker: Marker * ?Base: #IConvertible * ?Width: 'a4 * ?MultiWidth: seq<'a4> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member BoxPlot: ?X: seq<'a0> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a0>> * ?Y: seq<'a1> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?FillColor: Color * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?Marker: Marker * ?Opacity: float * ?WhiskerWidth: float * ?BoxPoints: BoxPoints * ?BoxMean: BoxMean * ?Jitter: float * ?PointPos: float * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?OutlineColor: Color * ?OutlineWidth: float * ?Outline: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?Notched: bool * ?NotchWidth: float * ?QuartileMethod: QuartileMethod * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a0 :> IConvertible and 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Bubble: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * sizes: seq<int> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * ?MultiMarkerSymbol: seq<MarkerSymbol> * ?Marker: Marker * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * ?LineWidth: float * ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * ?Line: Line * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?StackGroup: string * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Candlestick: ``open`` : seq<#IConvertible> * high: seq<#IConvertible> * low: seq<#IConvertible> * close: seq<#IConvertible> * ?X: seq<'a4> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a4>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?Text: 'a5 * ?MultiText: seq<'a5> * ?Line: Line * ?IncreasingColor: Color * ?Increasing: FinanceMarker * ?DecreasingColor: Color * ?Decreasing: FinanceMarker * ?WhiskerWidth: float * ?ShowXAxisRangeSlider: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a4 :> IConvertible and 'a5 :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Column: values: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Keys: seq<'a1> * ?MultiKeys: seq<seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?MultiOpacity: seq<float> * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: seq<PatternShape> * ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * ?Marker: Marker * ?Base: #IConvertible * ?Width: 'a4 * ?MultiWidth: seq<'a4> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Contour: zData: seq<#seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?X: seq<'a2> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a2>> * ?Y: seq<'a3> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a3>> * ?Text: 'a4 * ?MultiText: seq<'a4> * ?ColorBar: ColorBar * ?ColorScale: Colorscale * ?ShowScale: bool * ?ReverseScale: bool * ?Transpose: bool * ?ContourLineColor: Color * ?ContourLineDash: DrawingStyle * ?ContourLineSmoothing: float * ?ContourLine: Line * ?ContoursColoring: ContourColoring * ?ContoursOperation: ConstraintOperation * ?ContoursType: ContourType * ?ShowContourLabels: bool * ?ContourLabelFont: Font * ?Contours: Contours * ?FillColor: Color * ?NContours: int * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a3 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) static member Funnel: x: seq<#IConvertible> * y: seq<#IConvertible> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?Width: float * ?Offset: float * ?Text: 'a2 * ?MultiText: seq<'a2> * ?TextPosition: TextPosition * ?MultiTextPosition: seq<TextPosition> * ?Orientation: Orientation * ?AlignmentGroup: string * ?OffsetGroup: string * ?MarkerColor: Color * ?MarkerOutline: Line * ?Marker: Marker * ?TextInfo: TextInfo * ?ConnectorLineColor: Color * ?ConnectorLineStyle: DrawingStyle * ?ConnectorFillColor: Color * ?ConnectorLine: Line * ?Connector: FunnelConnector * ?InsideTextFont: Font * ?OutsideTextFont: Font * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a2 :> IConvertible) static member Heatmap: zData: seq<#seq<'a1>> * ?X: seq<'a2> * ?MultiX: seq<seq<'a2>> * ?Y: seq<'a3> * ?MultiY: seq<seq<'a3>> * ?Name: string * ?ShowLegend: bool * ?Opacity: float * ?XGap: int * ?YGap: int * ?Text: 'a4 * ?MultiText: seq<'a4> * ?ColorBar: ColorBar * ?ColorScale: Colorscale * ?ShowScale: bool * ?ReverseScale: bool * ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * ?Transpose: bool * ?UseWebGL: bool * ?ReverseYAxis: bool * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> IConvertible and 'a2 :> IConvertible and 'a3 :> IConvertible and 'a4 :> IConvertible) + 1 overload ...
static member Chart.ParallelCategories: keyValues: seq<string * #seq<'a1>> * ?Name: string * ?Counts: int * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineShape: StyleParam.Shape * ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?ShowLineColorScale: bool * ?ReverseLineColorScale: bool * ?Line: Line * ?Arrangement: StyleParam.CategoryArrangement * ?BundleColors: bool * ?SortPaths: StyleParam.SortAlgorithm * ?LabelFont: Font * ?TickFont: Font * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart (requires 'a1 :> System.IConvertible)
static member Chart.ParallelCategories: dimensions: seq<Dimension> * ?Name: string * ?Counts: int * ?LineColor: Color * ?LineShape: StyleParam.Shape * ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * ?ShowLineColorScale: bool * ?ReverseLineColorScale: bool * ?Line: Line * ?Arrangement: StyleParam.CategoryArrangement * ?BundleColors: bool * ?SortPaths: StyleParam.SortAlgorithm * ?LabelFont: Font * ?TickFont: Font * ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart.GenericChart
type Color = override Equals: other: obj -> bool override GetHashCode: unit -> int static member fromARGB: a: int -> r: int -> g: int -> b: int -> Color static member fromColorScaleValues: c: seq<#IConvertible> -> Color static member fromColors: c: seq<Color> -> Color static member fromHex: s: string -> Color static member fromKeyword: c: ColorKeyword -> Color static member fromRGB: r: int -> g: int -> b: int -> Color static member fromString: c: string -> Color member Value: obj
<summary> Plotly color can be a single color, a sequence of colors, or a sequence of numeric values referencing the color of the colorscale obj </summary>
static member Color.fromColorScaleValues: c: seq<#System.IConvertible> -> Color
module StyleParam from Plotly.NET
type Colorscale = | Custom of seq<float * Color> | RdBu | Earth | Blackbody | YIOrRd | YIGnBu | Bluered | Portland | Electric | Jet ... member Convert: unit -> obj static member convert: (Colorscale -> obj)
<summary> The colorscale must be a collection containing a mapping of a normalized value (between 0.0 and 1.0) to it's color. At minimum, a mapping for the lowest (0.0) and highest (1.0) values are required. </summary>
union case StyleParam.Colorscale.Blackbody: StyleParam.Colorscale
module GenericChart from Plotly.NET
<summary> Module to represent a GenericChart </summary>
val toChartHTML: gChart: GenericChart.GenericChart -> string
val parcatsStyled: GenericChart.GenericChart
union case StyleParam.Colorscale.Viridis: StyleParam.Colorscale