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Smith charts


Summary: This example shows how to create smith charts in F#.

Let's first create some data for the purpose of creating example charts:

open Plotly.NET

// real coordinates
let real = [ 0.5; 1.; 2.; 3. ]

// imaginary coordinates
let imaginary = [ 0.5; 1.; 2.; 3. ]

The Smith chart, invented by Phillip H. Smith (1905-1987) and independently by Mizuhashi Tosaku, is a graphical calculator or nomogram designed for electrical and electronics engineers specializing in radio frequency (RF) engineering to assist in solving problems with transmission lines and matching circuits

The Smith chart is a mathematical transformation of the two-dimensional Cartesian complex plane. Complex numbers with positive real parts map inside the circle. Those with negative real parts map outside the circle. If we are dealing only with impedances with non-negative resistive components, our interest is focused on the area inside the circle.


Still, you can plot any kind of imaginary numbers on this plane.

point smith charts

Use Chart.PointSmith to create a chart that displays points on a smith subplot:

let pointSmith = Chart.PointSmith(real, imaginary)

line smith charts

Use Chart.LineSmith to create a plot that displays a line connecting the data on a smith subplot.

This example also changes the styles of the line.

let lineSmith =
        real = real,
        imag = imaginary,
        LineDash = StyleParam.DrawingStyle.DashDot,
        LineColor = Color.fromKeyword Purple

bubble smith charts

Use Chart.BubbleSmith to create a plot that displays datums on a smith subplot, with an additional 3rd dimension set as the marker size.

As for all other plots above, you can, for example, add labels to each datum:

let bubbleSmith =
        real = real,
        imag = imaginary,
        sizes = [ 10; 20; 30; 40 ],
        MultiText = [ "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"; "five"; "six"; "seven" ],
        TextPosition = StyleParam.TextPosition.TopCenter
namespace Plotly
namespace Plotly.NET
module Defaults from Plotly.NET
<summary> Contains mutable global default values. Changing these values will apply the default values to all consecutive Chart generations. </summary>
val mutable DefaultDisplayOptions: DisplayOptions
Multiple items
type DisplayOptions = inherit DynamicObj new: unit -> DisplayOptions static member addAdditionalHeadTags: additionalHeadTags: XmlNode list -> (DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions) static member addChartDescription: description: XmlNode list -> (DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions) static member combine: first: DisplayOptions -> second: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions static member getAdditionalHeadTags: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> XmlNode list static member getChartDescription: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> XmlNode list static member getDocumentCharset: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> string static member getDocumentDescription: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> string static member getDocumentFavicon: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> XmlNode ...

new: unit -> DisplayOptions
static member DisplayOptions.init: [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?DocumentTitle: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?DocumentCharset: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?DocumentDescription: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?DocumentFavicon: Giraffe.ViewEngine.HtmlElements.XmlNode * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AdditionalHeadTags: Giraffe.ViewEngine.HtmlElements.XmlNode list * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ChartDescription: Giraffe.ViewEngine.HtmlElements.XmlNode list * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?PlotlyJSReference: PlotlyJSReference -> DisplayOptions
type PlotlyJSReference = | CDN of string | Full | Require of string | NoReference
<summary> Sets how plotly is referenced in the head of html docs. </summary>
union case PlotlyJSReference.NoReference: PlotlyJSReference
val real: float list
val imaginary: float list
val pointSmith: GenericChart
type Chart = static member AnnotatedHeatmap: zData: #('b seq) seq * annotationText: #(string seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: 'd seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiX: 'd seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: 'e seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiY: 'e seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'f * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'f seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?ReverseYAxis: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'b :> IConvertible and 'd :> IConvertible and 'e :> IConvertible and 'f :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Area: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowMarkers: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillPatternShape: PatternShape * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillPattern: Pattern * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Bar: values: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Keys: 'b seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiKeys: 'b seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: PatternShape seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'e * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'e seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'b :> IConvertible and 'c :> IConvertible and 'e :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member BoxPlot: [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: 'a seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiX: 'a seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: 'b seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiY: 'b seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?WhiskerWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BoxPoints: BoxPoints * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?BoxMean: BoxMean * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Jitter: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?PointPos: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutlineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutlineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Outline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Notched: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?NotchWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?QuartileMethod: QuartileMethod * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?SizeMode: BoxSizeMode * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'a :> IConvertible and 'b :> IConvertible and 'c :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Bubble: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * sizes: int seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: MarkerSymbol seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?StackGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?GroupNorm: GroupNorm * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Candlestick: ``open`` : #IConvertible seq * high: #IConvertible seq * low: #IConvertible seq * close: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: 'e seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiX: 'e seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'f * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'f seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?IncreasingColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Increasing: FinanceMarker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?DecreasingColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Decreasing: FinanceMarker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?WhiskerWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?ShowXAxisRangeSlider: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'e :> IConvertible and 'f :> IConvertible) + 2 overloads static member Column: values: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Keys: 'b seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiKeys: 'b seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPatternShape: PatternShape * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerPatternShape: PatternShape seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerPattern: Pattern * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Base: #IConvertible * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: 'e * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiWidth: 'e seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'b :> IConvertible and 'c :> IConvertible and 'e :> IConvertible) + 1 overload static member Contour: zData: #('b seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiX: 'c seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: 'd seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiY: 'd seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'e * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'e seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLinesColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLinesDash: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLinesSmoothing: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLinesWidth: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContourLines: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowContourLines: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursColoring: ContourColoring * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursOperation: ConstraintOperation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursType: ContourType * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowContoursLabels: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursLabelFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursStart: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ContoursEnd: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Contours: Contours * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?NContours: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'b :> IConvertible and 'c :> IConvertible and 'd :> IConvertible and 'e :> IConvertible) static member Funnel: x: #IConvertible seq * y: #IConvertible seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Width: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Offset: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: TextPosition * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: TextPosition seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Orientation: Orientation * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?AlignmentGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OffsetGroup: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: Marker * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextInfo: TextInfo * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLineColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLineStyle: DrawingStyle * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorFillColor: Color * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ConnectorLine: Line * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Connector: FunnelConnector * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?InsideTextFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?OutsideTextFont: Font * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> IConvertible) static member Heatmap: zData: #('b seq) seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?X: 'c seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiX: 'c seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Y: 'd seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiY: 'd seq seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?XGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?YGap: int * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'e * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'e seq * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorBar: ColorBar * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ColorScale: Colorscale * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ReverseScale: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ZSmooth: SmoothAlg * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Transpose: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?UseWebGL: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((false :> obj))>] ?ReverseYAxis: bool * [<Optional; DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'b :> IConvertible and 'c :> IConvertible and 'd :> IConvertible and 'e :> IConvertible) + 1 overload ...
static member Chart.PointSmith: realImag: (#System.IConvertible * #System.IConvertible) seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> System.IConvertible)
static member Chart.PointSmith: real: #System.IConvertible seq * imag: #System.IConvertible seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> System.IConvertible)
type GenericChart = | Chart of data: Trace * layout: Layout * config: Config * displayOpts: DisplayOptions | MultiChart of data: Trace list * layout: Layout * config: Config * displayOpts: DisplayOptions static member addConfig: config: Config -> gChart: GenericChart -> GenericChart static member addDisplayOptions: displayOpts: DisplayOptions -> gChart: GenericChart -> GenericChart static member addLayout: layout: Layout -> gChart: GenericChart -> GenericChart static member combine: gCharts: GenericChart seq -> GenericChart static member countTrace: gChart: GenericChart -> int static member existsTrace: predicate: (Trace -> bool) -> gChart: GenericChart -> bool static member fromChartDTO: dto: ChartDTO -> GenericChart static member fromFigure: fig: Figure -> GenericChart static member getConfig: gChart: GenericChart -> Config static member getDisplayOptions: gChart: GenericChart -> DisplayOptions ...
<summary> The central type that gets created by all Chart constructors is GenericChart, which itself represents either a single chart or a multi chart (as a Discriminate Union type). A GenericChart consists of four top level objects: Trace (multiple of those in the case of a MultiChart), Layout, Config, and DisplayOptions. - `Trace` is in principle the representation of a dataset on a chart, including for example the data itself, color and shape of the visualization, etc. - `Layout` is everything of the chart that is not dataset specific - e.g. the shape and style of axes, the chart title, etc. - `Config` is an object that configures high level properties of the chart like making all chart elements editable or the tool bar on top - `DisplayOptions` is an object that contains meta information about how the html document that contains the chart. </summary>
static member GenericChart.toChartHTML: gChart: GenericChart -> string
val lineSmith: GenericChart
static member Chart.LineSmith: realImag: (#System.IConvertible * #System.IConvertible) seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowMarkers: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Fill: StyleParam.Fill * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> System.IConvertible)
static member Chart.LineSmith: real: #System.IConvertible seq * imag: #System.IConvertible seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowMarkers: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Fill: StyleParam.Fill * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?FillColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> System.IConvertible)
module StyleParam from Plotly.NET
type DrawingStyle = | Solid | Dash | Dot | DashDot | LongDash | LongDashDot | User of int seq member Convert: unit -> obj override ToString: unit -> string static member convert: (DrawingStyle -> obj) static member toString: (DrawingStyle -> string)
<summary> Dash: Sets the drawing style of the lines segments in this trace. Sets the style of the lines. Set to a dash string type or a dash length in px. </summary>
union case StyleParam.DrawingStyle.DashDot: StyleParam.DrawingStyle
type Color = override Equals: other: obj -> bool override GetHashCode: unit -> int static member fromARGB: a: int -> r: int -> g: int -> b: int -> Color static member fromColorScaleValues: c: #IConvertible seq -> Color static member fromColors: c: Color seq -> Color static member fromHex: s: string -> Color static member fromKeyword: c: ColorKeyword -> Color static member fromRGB: r: int -> g: int -> b: int -> Color static member fromString: c: string -> Color member Value: obj
<summary> Plotly color can be a single color, a sequence of colors, or a sequence of numeric values referencing the color of the colorscale obj </summary>
static member Color.fromKeyword: c: ColorKeyword -> Color
union case ColorKeyword.Purple: ColorKeyword
val bubbleSmith: GenericChart
static member Chart.BubbleSmith: realImagSizes: (#System.IConvertible * #System.IConvertible * int) seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> System.IConvertible)
static member Chart.BubbleSmith: real: #System.IConvertible seq * imag: #System.IConvertible seq * sizes: int seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Name: string * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?ShowLegend: bool * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Opacity: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiOpacity: float seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Text: 'c * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiText: 'c seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?TextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiTextPosition: StyleParam.TextPosition seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerOutline: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?MultiMarkerSymbol: StyleParam.MarkerSymbol seq * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Marker: TraceObjects.Marker * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColor: Color * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineColorScale: StyleParam.Colorscale * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineWidth: float * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?LineDash: StyleParam.DrawingStyle * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((null :> obj))>] ?Line: Line * [<System.Runtime.InteropServices.Optional; System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValue ((true :> obj))>] ?UseDefaults: bool -> GenericChart (requires 'c :> System.IConvertible)
type TextPosition = | TopLeft | TopCenter | TopRight | MiddleLeft | MiddleCenter | MiddleRight | BottomLeft | BottomCenter | BottomRight | Auto ... member Convert: unit -> obj override ToString: unit -> string static member convert: (TextPosition -> obj) static member toString: (TextPosition -> string)
<summary> Sets the positions of the `text` elements. Note that not all options work for every type of trace, e.g. Pie Charts only support "inside" | "outside" | "auto" | "none" - Cartesian plots: Sets the positions of the `text` elements with respects to the (x,y) coordinates. - Pie Charts and derivatives: Specifies the location of the text with respects to the sector. </summary>
union case StyleParam.TextPosition.TopCenter: StyleParam.TextPosition

Type something to start searching.