Header menu logo Plotly.NET

DisplayOptions Type


Constructor Description


Full Usage: DisplayOptions()

Returns: DisplayOptions
Returns: DisplayOptions

Static members

Static member Description

DisplayOptions.addAdditionalHeadTags additionalHeadTags

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.addAdditionalHeadTags additionalHeadTags

    additionalHeadTags : XmlNode list - The additional head tags to add to the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Adds the given additional head tags to the given DisplayOptions object

additionalHeadTags : XmlNode list

The additional head tags to add to the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.addChartDescription description

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.addChartDescription description

    description : XmlNode list - The chart description to add to the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Adds the given chart description to the given DisplayOptions object

description : XmlNode list

The chart description to add to the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.combine first second

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.combine first second

    first : DisplayOptions - The first DisplayOptions to combine with the second
    second : DisplayOptions - The second DisplayOptions to combine with the first

Returns: DisplayOptions

Combines two DisplayOptions objects. In case of duplicate dynamic member values, the values of the second DisplayOptions are used. For the collections used for the dynamic members AdditionalHeadTags, Description the values from the second DisplayOptions are appended to those of the first instead.

first : DisplayOptions

The first DisplayOptions to combine with the second

second : DisplayOptions

The second DisplayOptions to combine with the first

Returns: DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.getAdditionalHeadTags displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.getAdditionalHeadTags displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the additional head tags from

Returns: XmlNode list

Returns the additional head tags from the given DisplayOptions object if they exist, an empty list otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the additional head tags from

Returns: XmlNode list

DisplayOptions.getChartDescription displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.getChartDescription displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the chart description from

Returns: XmlNode list

Returns the chart description from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, an empty list otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the chart description from

Returns: XmlNode list

DisplayOptions.getDocumentCharset displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.getDocumentCharset displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the document charset from

Returns: string

Returns the document charset from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, an empty string otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the document charset from

Returns: string

DisplayOptions.getDocumentDescription displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.getDocumentDescription displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the document description from

Returns: string

Returns the document description from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, an empty string otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the document description from

Returns: string

DisplayOptions.getDocumentFavicon displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.getDocumentFavicon displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the document favicon from

Returns: XmlNode

Returns the document favicon from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, an empty XML Node otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the document favicon from

Returns: XmlNode

DisplayOptions.getDocumentTitle displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.getDocumentTitle displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the document title from

Returns: string

Returns the document title from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, an empty string otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the document title from

Returns: string

DisplayOptions.getPlotlyReference displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.getPlotlyReference displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the reference to a plotly.js source from

Returns: PlotlyJSReference

Returns the reference to a plotly.js source from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, NoReference otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the reference to a plotly.js source from

Returns: PlotlyJSReference

DisplayOptions.init (?DocumentTitle, ?DocumentCharset, ?DocumentDescription, ?DocumentFavicon, ?AdditionalHeadTags, ?ChartDescription, ?PlotlyJSReference)

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.init (?DocumentTitle, ?DocumentCharset, ?DocumentDescription, ?DocumentFavicon, ?AdditionalHeadTags, ?ChartDescription, ?PlotlyJSReference)

    ?DocumentTitle : string
    ?DocumentCharset : string
    ?DocumentDescription : string
    ?DocumentFavicon : XmlNode
    ?AdditionalHeadTags : XmlNode list - Additional tags that will be included in the document's head
    ?ChartDescription : XmlNode list
    ?PlotlyJSReference : PlotlyJSReference - Sets how plotly is referenced in the head of html docs. When CDN, a script tag that references the plotly.js CDN is included in the output. When Full, a script tag containing the plotly.js source code (~3MB) is included in the output. HTML files generated with this option are fully self-contained and can be used offline

Returns: DisplayOptions

Returns a new DisplayOptions object with the given styles

?DocumentTitle : string
?DocumentCharset : string
?DocumentDescription : string
?DocumentFavicon : XmlNode
?AdditionalHeadTags : XmlNode list

Additional tags that will be included in the document's head

?ChartDescription : XmlNode list
?PlotlyJSReference : PlotlyJSReference

Sets how plotly is referenced in the head of html docs. When CDN, a script tag that references the plotly.js CDN is included in the output. When Full, a script tag containing the plotly.js source code (~3MB) is included in the output. HTML files generated with this option are fully self-contained and can be used offline

Returns: DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.initCDNOnly ()

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.initCDNOnly ()

Returns: DisplayOptions

Returns a DisplayOptions Object with the plotly cdn set to Globals.PLOTLYJS_VERSION

Returns: DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.setAdditionalHeadTags additionalHeadTags

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.setAdditionalHeadTags additionalHeadTags

    additionalHeadTags : XmlNode list - The additional head tags to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Sets the given additional head tags on the given DisplayOptions object

additionalHeadTags : XmlNode list

The additional head tags to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.setChartDescription chartDescription

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.setChartDescription chartDescription

    chartDescription : XmlNode list - The chart chart description to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Sets the given chart description on the given DisplayOptions object

chartDescription : XmlNode list

The chart chart description to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.setDocumentCharset documentCharset

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.setDocumentCharset documentCharset

    documentCharset : string - The document charset to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Sets the given document charset on the given DisplayOptions object

documentCharset : string

The document charset to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.setDocumentDescription documentDescription

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.setDocumentDescription documentDescription

    documentDescription : string - The document description to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Sets the given document description on the given DisplayOptions object

documentDescription : string

The document description to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.setDocumentFavicon documentFavicon

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.setDocumentFavicon documentFavicon

    documentFavicon : XmlNode - The document favicon to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Sets the given document favicon on the given DisplayOptions object

documentFavicon : XmlNode

The document favicon to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.setDocumentTitle documentTitle

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.setDocumentTitle documentTitle

    documentTitle : string - The document title to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Sets the given document title on the given DisplayOptions object

documentTitle : string

The document title to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.setPlotlyReference plotlyReference

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.setPlotlyReference plotlyReference

    plotlyReference : PlotlyJSReference - The reference to a plotly.js source to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Sets the given reference to a plotly.js source on the given DisplayOptions object

plotlyReference : PlotlyJSReference

The reference to a plotly.js source to set on the given DisplayOptions object

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.style (?DocumentTitle, ?DocumentCharset, ?DocumentDescription, ?DocumentFavicon, ?AdditionalHeadTags, ?ChartDescription, ?PlotlyJSReference)

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.style (?DocumentTitle, ?DocumentCharset, ?DocumentDescription, ?DocumentFavicon, ?AdditionalHeadTags, ?ChartDescription, ?PlotlyJSReference)

    ?DocumentTitle : string
    ?DocumentCharset : string
    ?DocumentDescription : string
    ?DocumentFavicon : XmlNode
    ?AdditionalHeadTags : XmlNode list - Additional tags that will be included in the document's head
    ?ChartDescription : XmlNode list
    ?PlotlyJSReference : PlotlyJSReference - Sets how plotly is referenced in the head of html docs. When CDN, a script tag that references the plotly.js CDN is included in the output. When Full, a script tag containing the plotly.js source code (~3MB) is included in the output. HTML files generated with this option are fully self-contained and can be used offline

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

Returns a function sthat applies the given styles to a DisplayOptions object

?DocumentTitle : string
?DocumentCharset : string
?DocumentDescription : string
?DocumentFavicon : XmlNode
?AdditionalHeadTags : XmlNode list

Additional tags that will be included in the document's head

?ChartDescription : XmlNode list
?PlotlyJSReference : PlotlyJSReference

Sets how plotly is referenced in the head of html docs. When CDN, a script tag that references the plotly.js CDN is included in the output. When Full, a script tag containing the plotly.js source code (~3MB) is included in the output. HTML files generated with this option are fully self-contained and can be used offline

Returns: DisplayOptions -> DisplayOptions

DisplayOptions.tryGetAdditionalHeadTags displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.tryGetAdditionalHeadTags displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the additional head tags from

Returns: XmlNode list option

Returns Some additional head tags from the given DisplayOptions object if they exist, None otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the additional head tags from

Returns: XmlNode list option

DisplayOptions.tryGetChartDescription displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.tryGetChartDescription displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the chart description from

Returns: XmlNode list option

Returns Some chart description from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, None otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the chart description from

Returns: XmlNode list option

DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentCharset displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentCharset displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the document charset from

Returns: string option

Returns Some document charset from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, None otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the document charset from

Returns: string option

DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentDescription displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentDescription displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the document description from

Returns: string option

Returns Some document description from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, None otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the document description from

Returns: string option

DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentFavicon displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentFavicon displayOpts

Returns: XmlNode option

Returns Some document favicon from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, None otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

Returns: XmlNode option

DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentTitle displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.tryGetDocumentTitle displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the document title from

Returns: string option

Returns Some document title from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, None otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the document title from

Returns: string option

DisplayOptions.tryGetPlotlyReference displayOpts

Full Usage: DisplayOptions.tryGetPlotlyReference displayOpts

    displayOpts : DisplayOptions - The DisplayOptions object to get the reference to a plotly.js source from

Returns: PlotlyJSReference option

Returns Some reference to a plotly.js source from the given DisplayOptions object if it exists, None otherwise

displayOpts : DisplayOptions

The DisplayOptions object to get the reference to a plotly.js source from

Returns: PlotlyJSReference option

Type something to start searching.