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GeoProjectionRotation Type

Determines Map rotation in GeoProjections


Constructor Description


Full Usage: GeoProjectionRotation()

Returns: GeoProjectionRotation
Returns: GeoProjectionRotation

Static members

Static member Description

GeoProjectionRotation.init (?Longitude, ?Latitude, ?Roll)

Full Usage: GeoProjectionRotation.init (?Longitude, ?Latitude, ?Roll)

    ?Longitude : float - Rotates the map along parallels (in degrees East). Defaults to the center of the `lonaxis.range` values.
    ?Latitude : float - Rotates the map along meridians (in degrees North).
    ?Roll : int - Roll the map (in degrees) For example, a roll of "180" makes the map appear upside down.

Returns: GeoProjectionRotation

Initialize a GeoProjectionRotation object that determines Map rotation in GeoProjections

?Longitude : float

Rotates the map along parallels (in degrees East). Defaults to the center of the `lonaxis.range` values.

?Latitude : float

Rotates the map along meridians (in degrees North).

?Roll : int

Roll the map (in degrees) For example, a roll of "180" makes the map appear upside down.

Returns: GeoProjectionRotation

GeoProjectionRotation.style (?Longitude, ?Latitude, ?Roll)

Full Usage: GeoProjectionRotation.style (?Longitude, ?Latitude, ?Roll)

    ?Longitude : float - Rotates the map along parallels (in degrees East). Defaults to the center of the `lonaxis.range` values.
    ?Latitude : float - Rotates the map along meridians (in degrees North).
    ?Roll : int - Roll the map (in degrees) For example, a roll of "180" makes the map appear upside down.

Returns: GeoProjectionRotation -> GeoProjectionRotation

Create a function that applies the given style parameters to a GeoProjectionRotation object

?Longitude : float

Rotates the map along parallels (in degrees East). Defaults to the center of the `lonaxis.range` values.

?Latitude : float

Rotates the map along meridians (in degrees North).

?Roll : int

Roll the map (in degrees) For example, a roll of "180" makes the map appear upside down.

Returns: GeoProjectionRotation -> GeoProjectionRotation

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