GeoFitBounds Type

Used for the Layout.geo field. Determines if this subplot's view settings are auto-computed to fit trace data. On scoped maps, setting `fitbounds` leads to `center.lon` and `` getting auto-filled. On maps with a non-clipped projection, setting `fitbounds` leads to `center.lon`, ``, and `projection.rotation.lon` getting auto-filled. On maps with a clipped projection, setting `fitbounds` leads to `center.lon`, ``, `projection.rotation.lon`, ``, `lonaxis.range` and `lonaxis.range` getting auto-filled. If "locations", only the trace's visible locations are considered in the `fitbounds` computations. If "geojson", the entire trace input `geojson` (if provided) is considered in the `fitbounds` computations, Defaults to "false".

Union cases

Union case Description


Full Usage: False


Full Usage: GeoJson


Full Usage: Locations

Instance members

Instance member Description


Full Usage: this.Convert

Returns: obj
Returns: obj

Static members

Static member Description


Full Usage: GeoFitBounds.convert

Returns: GeoFitBounds -> obj
Returns: GeoFitBounds -> obj