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Lighting Type

An object to set the Lighting of a 3D Scene


Constructor Description


Full Usage: Lighting()

Returns: Lighting
Returns: Lighting

Static members

Static member Description

Lighting.init (?Ambient, ?Diffuse, ?FaceNormalEpsilon, ?Fresnel, ?Roughness, ?Specular, ?VertexNormalEpsilon)

Full Usage: Lighting.init (?Ambient, ?Diffuse, ?FaceNormalEpsilon, ?Fresnel, ?Roughness, ?Specular, ?VertexNormalEpsilon)

    ?Ambient : float - Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.
    ?Diffuse : float - Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.
    ?FaceNormalEpsilon : float - Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.
    ?Fresnel : float - Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.
    ?Roughness : float - Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.
    ?Specular : float - Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.
    ?VertexNormalEpsilon : float - Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.

Returns: Lighting

Initialize a Lighting object

?Ambient : float

Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.

?Diffuse : float

Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.

?FaceNormalEpsilon : float

Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.

?Fresnel : float

Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.

?Roughness : float

Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.

?Specular : float

Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.

?VertexNormalEpsilon : float

Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.

Returns: Lighting

Lighting.style (?Ambient, ?Diffuse, ?FaceNormalEpsilon, ?Fresnel, ?Roughness, ?Specular, ?VertexNormalEpsilon)

Full Usage: Lighting.style (?Ambient, ?Diffuse, ?FaceNormalEpsilon, ?Fresnel, ?Roughness, ?Specular, ?VertexNormalEpsilon)

    ?Ambient : float - Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.
    ?Diffuse : float - Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.
    ?FaceNormalEpsilon : float - Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.
    ?Fresnel : float - Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.
    ?Roughness : float - Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.
    ?Specular : float - Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.
    ?VertexNormalEpsilon : float - Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.

Returns: Lighting -> Lighting

Creates a function that applies the given style parameters to a Lighting object

?Ambient : float

Ambient light increases overall color visibility but can wash out the image.

?Diffuse : float

Represents the extent that incident rays are reflected in a range of angles.

?FaceNormalEpsilon : float

Epsilon for face normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.

?Fresnel : float

Represents the reflectance as a dependency of the viewing angle; e.g. paper is reflective when viewing it from the edge of the paper (almost 90 degrees), causing shine.

?Roughness : float

Alters specular reflection; the rougher the surface, the wider and less contrasty the shine.

?Specular : float

Represents the level that incident rays are reflected in a single direction, causing shine.

?VertexNormalEpsilon : float

Epsilon for vertex normals calculation avoids math issues arising from degenerate geometry.

Returns: Lighting -> Lighting

Type something to start searching.