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TraceSelection Type

Used to control selected/unselected trace item styles in supported traces.


Constructor Description


Full Usage: TraceSelection()

Returns: TraceSelection
Returns: TraceSelection

Static members

Static member Description

TraceSelection.init (?MarkerSelectionStyle, ?LineSelectionStyle, ?FontSelectionStyle)

Full Usage: TraceSelection.init (?MarkerSelectionStyle, ?LineSelectionStyle, ?FontSelectionStyle)

    ?MarkerSelectionStyle : MarkerSelectionStyle - Sets the styles of the selected/unselected markers
    ?LineSelectionStyle : LineSelectionStyle - Sets the styles of the selected/unselected lines
    ?FontSelectionStyle : FontSelectionStyle - Sets the styles of the selected/unselected texts

Returns: TraceSelection

Returns a new TraceSelection object with the given styles

?MarkerSelectionStyle : MarkerSelectionStyle

Sets the styles of the selected/unselected markers

?LineSelectionStyle : LineSelectionStyle

Sets the styles of the selected/unselected lines

?FontSelectionStyle : FontSelectionStyle

Sets the styles of the selected/unselected texts

Returns: TraceSelection

TraceSelection.style (?MarkerSelectionStyle, ?LineSelectionStyle, ?FontSelectionStyle)

Full Usage: TraceSelection.style (?MarkerSelectionStyle, ?LineSelectionStyle, ?FontSelectionStyle)

    ?MarkerSelectionStyle : MarkerSelectionStyle - Sets the styles of the selected/unselected markers
    ?LineSelectionStyle : LineSelectionStyle - Sets the styles of the selected/unselected lines
    ?FontSelectionStyle : FontSelectionStyle - Sets the styles of the selected/unselected texts

Returns: TraceSelection -> TraceSelection

Returns a function that applies the given styles to a TraceSelection object

?MarkerSelectionStyle : MarkerSelectionStyle

Sets the styles of the selected/unselected markers

?LineSelectionStyle : LineSelectionStyle

Sets the styles of the selected/unselected lines

?FontSelectionStyle : FontSelectionStyle

Sets the styles of the selected/unselected texts

Returns: TraceSelection -> TraceSelection

Type something to start searching.